Tuesday, May 28, 2013

If You Smell...Don't Come Near Me!

     Some of you are going to think that my commentary today is rather odd; if not altogether strange.  But as weird as it may be, I'm betting that many of you will agree with how I feel about the subject.

     I would like to own a business whereby I could tell all my employees that if they smell...they're fired!

     I would like to own a business whereby I could post a sign on the front door that reads - If you haven't bathed and brushed your teeth today...go away!  I don't want your sickening stench polluting my establishment!

     It amazes me - day after day - the amount of people I come in contact with whose bodies literally stink.  The odors are so powerfully offensive, so repulsively vile and so downright disgusting that I don't understand how they can even stand the foul air themselves.  I know some animals that don't smell as bad as some people.

     Personally...I shower every morning; and sometimes a second time at night.  There isn't a day that goes by that I don't use an antiperspirant deodorant; and every morning, I spray or splash on one of my favorite colognes. 

     I brush my teeth twice, sometimes three times a day; gargle with mouthwash, and chew gum or suck on breath mints throughout the day.

     Unfortunately, God did not create us - the human being - to be as fragrant as a flower.  As a result...since so many people don't practice proper grooming and cleanliness, I suppose I'll just have to continue sniffing myself when I get a whiff of another person who reeks.

     And that's The Controversy for today.

     I'm Gary B. Duglin.

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Copyright 2013 Gary B. Duglin and TheControversy.net. All Rights Reserved.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Was What Anthony Weiner Did Wrong Enough To Not Be Elected Mayor Of New York City? His Wife Has Forgiven Him. Have The People Of "The Big Apple?"

     Former U.S. Representative Anthony Weiner wants to be mayor of New York City and thinks he can win.  And why shouldn't he?  After all...this is the United States of America - and although his Twitter behavior two years ago was perhaps stupid and not the most sensible thing to do - it was not illegal.

     After several days of denying media reports that he had "tweeted" a link to a sexually suggestive photograph of himself to a 21-year old Seattle, Washington woman, who was following him on Twitter, Weiner, during a press conference, finally admitted - on May 27th, 2011 - that he sent the picture; and he apologized for what he had done.  The New York Democrat said he was "deeply ashamed" of his "terrible judgment and actions," which he called, "very dumb."  Weiner also admitted that he "exchanged messages and photos of an explicit nature with about 6 other women over the last 3 years."  As a result, on June 21st, 2011, Mr. Weiner resigned from Congress - which was another foolish mistake.

     First of all, the entire matter has for years gotten blown out of proportion (no pun intended).  Numerous blogs and other Internet Web sites have wrongly indicated that the tweeted photo was of - "Weiner's wiener" - and that it was naked and erect.  It was not.  The protruding penis was concealed by a pair of boxer briefs.  But whether we can see Weiner's shlong or only the outline of it - who the hell cares?

     We live in a world where nudity on television and in the movies is an everyday occurrence.  Children - as young as you can imagine - can and do hear things and see things that are perhaps inappropriate for their young ears and eyes - but that's life in the technology age of the 21st century.  And no matter what parents do to shield their kids from whatever it is they don't want their children to be exposed to - unfortunately - most youngsters are going to see it or hear about it from somewhere or someone.

     On May 22nd, 2013, Anthony Weiner - in a YouTube video - stated, "I'm running for mayor because I've been fighting for the middle class - and those struggling to make it - for my entire life.  And I hope I get a second chance to work for you."  Well...this is America.  And Mr. Weiner deserves a second chance.  He is entering the race with lots of campaign money - more than five million dollars - and it's quite possible that his tarnished reputation won't affect the minds of New York City voters.

     As the Star Trek character, Mr. Spock might say - "Let's look at this logically."  Sending the aforementioned photograph to another adult does not affect the performance - in an official capacity - of an elected politician.  It does not compromise national security or endanger the lives of anyone in any city or state.  And as long as the action noted is between Americans who are 18 years of age or older, it is protected under the 1st Amendment of the United States Constitution, as freedom of speech.

     Now there are those of you who will say Weiner didn't tell the truth about the picture.  Yes - he did make up all sorts of stories for days that the photograph was not of his body.  But those of you who accuse the former Congressman of being a liar - get off your high horse.  People, unfortunately, lie everyday; and Mr. Weiner was not under oath in a court of law when he answered questions by reporters. 

     Let's put things in perspective here.  Mr. Weiner is human - and as all politicians - they are not gods.  The candidate for New York City mayor - without a doubt - acted in an idiotic way - but he did not break any law. 

     Huma Abedin is Anthony Weiner's wife; and she is supporting her husband in his race to become mayor of "The Big Apple" and says - "We love this city...and no one will work harder to make it better than Anthony."

     If Mr. Weiner's wife has forgiven him...why shouldn't the voters of New York City?  Time will tell.

     And that's The Controversy for today.

     I'm Gary B. Duglin.

Please express your opinions in the comment box below.  You do not have to register your name and you can remain anonymous if you prefer.  The Controversy wants to know your views on the essay above and on any other commentaries written on this blog.  Just click on the word "Comments" below and write your thoughts in the box that appears.  Make sure please that when you finish your statement that you click on the word "Publish."  Thank you.

Copyright 2013 Gary B. Duglin and TheControversy.net. All Rights Reserved.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Could There Be A Mystery Behind Your Next Door Neighbor? What Secrets Do He Or She Possess In Their Closet...Or In Their Basement?

     Do you know your next-door neighbor?  Do you know any of the neighbors in your community?  Do they know you? 

     Whatever happened to neighbors?  We all have them...but we don't necessarily know them.  There are so many of us who live in homes with perhaps 20 other houses on the same street and nobody knows anyone.  People live in apartment complexes or condominium buildings and the residents don't know one another.

     For more than 10 years, three innocent, young women - Amanda Berry, Gina DeJesus and Michelle Knight - were held captive by a disgustingly depraved man who is accused of despicable and unspeakable acts of horror.  How could such a heinous and barbaric monster hide such hideous and dreadful viciousness in plain sight for such a long, long time?

     It amazes me that nobody noticed anything for more than a decade.  How could neighbors be so oblivious?  Are we all so blunderingly blind to our surroundings and to what goes on around us?  I pray that we are not.  Fortunately and thankfully, one neighbor opened his eyes and ears on May 6th, 2013.

     There is an overwhelming sense in this country today - and around the world - that it is perfectly acceptable and appropriate to communicate by texting, tweeting and through social media messaging.  Today, friends and neighbors are followed on Facebook and Twitter, but rarely visit in homes.  The line, "Come on over for a cup of coffee" is a thing of the past.

     From driveway to driveway - people wave.  Neighbors nod with a cordial smile; or some may even verbalize with a friendly hello as they take out the garbage.  But do you have any true clue about the person behind and inside your neighbor? 

     According to a 2010 study by the Pew Research Center, a mere 19 percent of Americans say they know all of their neighbors.  Only 23 percent of United States citizens say they are acquainted with most of their neighbors.  And a whopping 58 percent admit they know none or just some of their neighbors.  All that being said, a 2012 Harris Poll indicates that 76 percent of people in our country would feel safer if they talked more with their neighbors.  So then why don't we?

     Whatever happened to block parties and neighborhood barbecues?  Are we just too busy...or do we just not care to know the guy or gal down the street?

     Reportedly, hundreds of thousands of people - possibly millions of people - over a ten-year period - passed by the busy Seymour Avenue house in the residential Tremont section of Cleveland, Ohio where Amanda Berry - now age 27, Gina DeJesus - currently 23, and Michelle Knight - who is 32 years old were prisoners.  Police say the three women were bound in chains and locks.

     Must we beware of everyone in our neighborhoods?  Maybe so.

     What sadistic secrets are your neighbors keeping from you? 

     Must we ask the tragic question to ourselves..."who's chained up in my neighbor's basement?"  Maybe we do.

     But what a terrible thought!  God help us...if that's the world we live in today...and God help us even more...if that's the world we will continue to live in tomorrow.

     And that's The Controversy for today.

     I'm Gary B. Duglin.

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Copyright 2013 Gary B. Duglin and TheControversy.net. All Rights Reserved.