Wednesday, May 31, 2017


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     Regular readers of The Controversy are well aware of my strong political opposition and my personal distaste for Donald Trump.  But I would NEVER... EVER...wish Trump any harm.

     Kathy Griffin's posting of a 12-second video on Instagram...where she is holding - what appears to be - a decapitated, bloody head resembling Donald disgusting and disturbing.

     It was Tuesday, May 30th, 2017 when Griffin posted the pictures.  She later that same day hit the Internet again, but with a video apology.  "I beg for your forgiveness.  I went too far.  I made a mistake and I was wrong."  You think?

     As a journalist, I wholeheartedly support Americans' First Amendment right of free speech.  But Kathy Griffin crossed the line with her inappropriate images.  If she was attempting to be funny...she totally failed.

     Griffin's photos are not only offensive to adults, but to the millions of children who saw the pictures on social media.  But Griffin noted that she was "merely mocking the Mocker-In-Chief."  Certainly Trump has been insulting and reprehensible with his remarks about various individuals over the last two years since he began his campaign for President.  But Kathy Griffin's photos were not politically, socially or morally acceptable.  To post something so sick...does not represent liberals, progressives and Democrats overall.  I am as anti-Trump as they come.  I have called Donald Trump unfit to be President.  In just four months, he has proven to me everything that I knew long before he was elected.  That he is reckless and dangerous, as he sits behind The Oval Office desk.  But Donald Trump is still a husband...a father...and a grandfather.  And whether we like it or not...he is still the President of the United States.  And Trump does not deserve anyone - be it Kathy Griffin or anyone else - joking that he was beheaded...and then displaying the bloody, severed faux-head on the Internet.  Life is too precious to kid around in such a repulsive and irresponsible manner.  Those of us who were on this planet - on November 22nd, 1963 - witnessed a President being killed.  I would never compare Donald Trump to John F. Kennedy in any other light but this one.  But there's never any humor when depicting the death of a President.  And Kathy Griffin should have known better. 

     I never thought I would ever agree with anything stated by Donald Trump.  But in response to Kathy Griffin's despicable actions...I am on the same page with him and his Wednesday morning, May 31st tweet.  She "should be ashamed of herself."

     And that's The Controversy for today.

     I'm Gary B. Duglin.

     "We'll talk again."

The Controversy is a publication of GBD Productions.  Founder and Editor-In-Chief of The Controversy is Gary B. Duglin.

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Copyright 2017 Gary B. Duglin and  All Rights Reserved.

Tuesday, May 30, 2017


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     How much longer will it be before Sean Spicer tells Donald Trump to take the Press Secretary's job and shove it?

     The Trump spokesperson is nothing more than a robot with human hair.  The White House Press Corps gets little or no answers to their questions...except scripted remarks that have either been written by lawyers...or prepared by Trump and then handed to Spicer with the direct order to not respond to reporters with anything else.

     Why would Sean Spicer want to keep his job?  Unless he's a masochist who finds pleasure being pulled from either end by first-rate journalists who are doing their jobs with the utmost professionalism...I would think Spicer would turn in his government credentials and not suffer the turbulence that is eventually going to cause the Trump Administration to crash and burn.

     It has become Spicer's practice to be tight-lipped about anything "Russia."  And now...when reporters grill him about King Donald's Prince Jared...Spicer looks like something out of The Body Snatchers.  He has obviously been commanded to silence...which makes Spicer not only appear foolish, but labels him the President's patsy.

     My advice to Sean Spicer - not that he's asked me...which he hasn't - is to make like Snagglepuss...exit stage left...then run, not walk as fast as he can out of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue...and to not look back.  After all...Spicer's days as White House Press Secretary are probably numbered anyway...and at some point - sooner rather than later - Trump is going to chew up Spicer - as he does with everybody who he fires (except for his Russian "spy buddy" Michael Flynn) and then spit him out like seeds from a watermelon.

     So be smart, Sean.  Take a hike.  And do so before the "big bear" in The West Wing woods goes wild again...and without you knowing it...attacks from behind.

     And that's The Controversy for today.

     I'm Gary B. Duglin.

     "We'll talk again."

The Controversy is a publication of GBD Productions.  Founder and Editor-In-Chief of The Controversy is Gary B. Duglin.

Now, please express your personal opinions by following the instructions above.  And thank you for reading The Controversy.

Copyright 2017 Gary B. Duglin and  All Rights Reserved.

Saturday, May 27, 2017


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     In a perfect world, Hillary Clinton would have been elected the 45th President of the United States on November 8th, 2016.  And although our nation would benefit from the former Secretary of State seeking the Democratic nomination again...and then winning The White House...Mrs. Clinton has not indicated a make a go for it...for a third time.  This column, therefore, is written with those thoughts in mind.

     In a perfect world, Donald Trump would not be sitting behind The Oval Office desk today.  With every breath he takes...Trump buries his presidency deeper in to the hole that he himself dug.  So therefore...Americans must join hands in force Trump's resignation...or a Congressional impeachment and removal from office...before Donald's hands strangle our nation to death.

     In a perfect world, there would be no need for an investigation by a Special Counsel, by the U.S. Senate and by the U.S. House of Representatives to determine the extent for which Russian interference affected the outcome of our 2016 presidential election...and whether members of Donald Trump's campaign - or Trump himself - colluded with Vladimir Putin and his meddle in the race between Trump and Hillary Clinton.

     But we don't live in a perfect world.  And because of that sad fact, Americans are suffering from a President who - as I wrote nearly two years ago - is unfit to serve our country as our head of state and Commander-In-Chief.  

     The above being said...circumstances and timing can sometimes - if not, at all times - be everything.  With the problems that our nation faces - including possible espionage or even treason by one or more government officials - such issues have brought to the forefront of our republic...a man who, at this moment, may be one person who could bring America back from the brink of disaster.  He's a highly respected Congressman who could turn the United States around and move us in a forward direction as our President.  He is the Ranking Democrat on the mighty House Intelligence Committee.  And with power unknown to most Americans until recently, Congressman Adam Schiff of California may be the superhero that America desperately take our country out of the dark abyss that Donald Trump has thrown us in to since January 20th, 2017.

     In an interview with Politico - published on February 20th - Schiff labeled Trump "a real danger to the country and to our future prosperity...and to our place in the how people view whether people still look to America as the leading light and inspiration to the rest of the world...a place they hope one day to immigrate to."

     Right now our country is being governed by a man who - during the campaign at a February 2016 rally in Nevada - took aim at a protester and shouted..."I'd like to punch him in the face."  And in January 2016, let us recall when Donald Trump - at an Iowa rally - bragged..."I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue (in New York City) and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose any voters."  Yet Trump got elected... which still boggles my mind.  It's no wonder that a U.S. Congressional candidate from Montana...who - on Wednesday, May 24th - assaulted a reporter...could also be elected the next day on Thursday, May 25th.  And how did Trump respond while in Sicily on Friday, May 26th?  "Great win in Montana."  It is fact that the majority of ballots in "The Treasure State" were cast prior to the altercation.  But how did others vote to elect a guy who, in most circles, would be considered a thug?

     As for Schiff on Trump's fascination - and, dare I say, affection - for Russia and Putin...the 9-term Congressman from "The Golden State" expressed strong words to Politico, as he accused Trump of being a "President (who) has a pathological unwillingness to criticize anything the Kremlin does."

     The year 2020 is closer than we think...and it's never too soon for Democrats to begin contemplating who we want as our Party's nominee for President.

     I'm a Jew.  If you're a regular reader of The Controversy then you are probably aware of that fact as I have mentioned it in a handful of columns over the last four-and-a-half years.  But my faith is not my reason for writing today's commentary or for endorsing a Jewish politician to seek our nation's highest office.  An Adam Schiff White House would be one of integrity, honor and patriotism.  Adam Schiff's voice is highly influential in the Democratic Party on matters of foreign policy and issues of national security.  With the 56-year old Schiff as President of the United States, our country would be implicitly represented by qualities of respect, honesty, incorruptibility, trustworthiness, human compassion, strength, leadership and overall goodness.  Adam Schiff is someone who could get America back on track.

     One "dream team ticket" would be Schiff-Schumer or Schumer-Schiff.  But Democratic Senator Chuck Schumer of New York has always said that he will never run for President.  The Senate Minority Leader is quoted as saying - not too long ago - that he absolutely doesn't want the job.  And in a tweet from September 19th, 2013, Schumer wrote..."I ran for President of my class at Cunningham Jr HS (Junior High School).  I lost.  I swore I'd never run for President again and that's still true today."  I suppose if the now 66-year old Schumer didn't choose to seek The White House earlier in his career, that he won't do so three years from now - on November 3rd, 2020 - when he'll be pushing 70.  Of course I realize it's not realistic to think... that Americans would elect a President and Vice President who stem from the two largest "blue states" in the country.  I also recognize that it's doubtful - especially in an imperfect world that is still faced with anti-Semitism and bigotry of all kinds - that two Jews would be elected President and Vice President.  But for me...I'd be grinning from coast to coast.

     But let's go back to that..."perfect world"...that I mentioned at the outset of this column.  In that perfect world, the then-Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, James Comey, would not have written that infamous bombshell letter to Congress on October 28th, 2016, which stated that the FBI had discovered new e-mails from Hillary Clinton that may be "pertinent" to the Bureau's probe concerning her private server.  The fact is, those e-mails were duplicates of ones that were previously investigated by the FBI and there was no reason for Comey to pen such a memo.  

     In a perfect world...Comey would have adhered to the Department of Justice's policy, which explicitly prohibits employees of the DOJ - which oversees the FBI - from not only interfering with any election, but avoiding the appearance of interfering with any election.

     It was in August 2008 when President George W. Bush's Attorney General, Michael Mukasey, issued an internal correspondence to everyone in the Justice Department.  In that memo, Mukasey wrote..."Simply put, politics must play no role in the decisions of federal investigators or prosecutors regarding any investigations or criminal charges.  Law enforcement officers and prosecutors may never select the timing of investigative steps or criminal charges for the purpose of affecting any election, or for the purpose of giving an advantage or disadvantage to any candidate or political party.  Such a purpose is inconsistent with the Department's mission and with the Principles of Federal Prosecution."  President Barack Obama's Attorney General, Eric Holder re-sent the letter to DOJ staff in 2012.  And while the Mukasey and Holder memos were titled..."Election Year Sensitivities"...the body of the letters did not specifically include a time frame from January to November.  That said, however...the protocol - that had been previously followed - noted not filing cases or commenting on investigations in the 60 days before an election.  Therefore, James Comey was wrong with his actions by writing his letter to Congress just eleven days before the 2016 election.  And that mistake eventually cost Comey his job.  After all...since Hillary Clinton did not win the presidency...Comey was fired by Donald Trump on May 9th.  

     But why was Comey fired?  That question is still being argued by Americans all across the nation.  There are allegations by millions of people throughout the United States - especially by some lawmakers on Capitol Hill - that Comey was dismissed because Trump was a possible subject - perhaps a prime subject - in the FBI probe.  

     On Monday, May 22nd, The Washington Post reported that Trump tried to persuade Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats to publicly pulverize allegations of links between Trump, his campaign and Russia.  The Washington Post also says Trump approached the Director of the National Security Agency Michael Rogers to announce to the nation that there is no evidence of collusion between Trump and Russia.  Therefore, these alleged requests by Trump - along with the firing of James Comey as FBI Director - open the door to possible obstruction of justice charges against Donald Trump...and the demise of his presidency.  

     If Trump did terminate Comey to quash the entire Russian investigation... his plan has now backfired.  There is no doubt in my mind that former FBI Director Bob Mueller - who is now on board as Special Counsel to oversee the Justice Department's probe - will connect the dots between Russia and anyone who might have colluded with Putin and his poison Hillary Clinton's chances of winning our presidential election.  And now...with Trump's son-in-law and Senior Adviser Jared Kushner being under "FBI scrutiny"...we - as a country - will find out if Kushner...and/or former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn...and/or anybody else in the Trump campaign - including Donald Trump himself - were involved in a conspiracy with Russia.

     On Tuesday, May 23rd, the former Director of the CIA, John Brennan, testified before the House Intelligence Committee.  He was asked by Republican Representative Trey Gowdy of South Carolina if "evidence exist(s)...of collusion, coordination, conspiracy...between the Trump campaign and Russian state actors... at the time you learned of 2016 efforts?"  Brennan's response is chilling.  "I encountered and am aware of information and intelligence that revealed contacts and interactions between Russian officials and U.S. persons involved in the Trump campaign that I was concerned about because of known Russian efforts to suborn such individuals and it raised questions in my mind, again, whether or not the Russians were able to gain the cooperation of those individuals."  Brennan went on to say..."I know that there was a sufficient basis of information and intelligence that required further investigation by the Bureau to determine whether or not U.S. persons were actively conspiring, colluding with Russian officials."

     We are living through a tumultuous we did about forty-four years ago. In what has been tagged "The Saturday Night Massacre"...on October 20th, 1973, President Richard Nixon fired the man at the helm of the Watergate investigation. But Nixon's dismissal of Special Prosecutor Archibald Cox blew up in our 37th President's face.  Although Nixon had attempted to put a halt on the Watergate case, his efforts only made the scandal more intriguing to the American people and to two young reporters from The Washington Post named Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein, who had been covering the Watergate story from the beginning. Strong public reaction to Cox's termination caused Nixon to appoint another Special Prosecutor.  Less than a year later - on August 9th, 1974 - Nixon resigned in disgrace...before being impeached and removed from office by Congress...on what would have been charges of obstruction of justice.  Sound familiar?

     But Watergate didn't involve international espionage.  Nor did Watergate involve treason.  Both crimes, however, may end up being possible results when all is said and done with the investigation of the Trump White House...or possibly with Trump himself.  Hopefully, Special Counsel Bob Mueller will come up with answers soon, as some Americans fear we are in danger of having to learn the words to the Russian national anthem.

     The 2017 White House has become the biggest traveling circus since Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey.  But "The Greatest Show On Earth" was entertaining and fun.  And although Donald Trump thinks he is succeeding as America's ringmaster... instead...he's nothing more than Peck's bad boy.

     A Quinnipiac Poll - released on Wednesday, May 24th - shows only 37 percent of Americans approve of Donald Trump as President...while just 31 percent feel Trump is level-headed.  However...the icing on the cake is that 54 percent of people throughout the United States believe Trump is abusing the power of his office.

     On Friday, May 26th, The Washington Post published another explosive story. The newspaper says - and I'm going to quote their reporters' article...word for word... "Jared Kushner and Russia's ambassador to Washington discussed the possibility of setting up a secret and secure communications channel between Trump's transition team and the Kremlin, using Russian diplomatic facilities in an apparent move to shield their pre-inauguration discussions from monitoring, according to U.S. officials briefed on intelligence reports."  The Washington Post further reports that such a meeting was held on December 1st or 2nd, 2016 at Trump Tower in Manhattan...and that "Michael Flynn, Trump's first national security adviser" was also in attendance at that meeting.  Such covert communications with a foreign adversary is shocking... especially when it allegedly involved the son-in-law and perhaps closest adviser to the President of the United States.  The question remains - as it has for over six-and-a-half months since the election - how much did Donald Trump know...and when did he know it?

     So will Kushner throw his daddy-in-law under the bus?  Earlier reports - from Thursday, May 25th - by NBC News say "multiple U.S. officials" told the network's journalists that Kushner is believed to have "significant information relevant" to the FBI's criminal investigation in to ties between the Trump campaign and Russia. Always remember that Donald Trump was the centerpiece and boss of that campaign, so any probe has to also include him.  Everything that has been disclosed this week by various news organizations come down to one thing.  Playing hardball with Ivanka Trump's husband may be the way Bob Mueller and the FBI get to Donald Trump...and evidence that will either prove...or disprove...any illegal involvement with Russia by the elder Trump.

     And that brings me back to Congressman Adam Schiff.  This graduate of Stanford University and Harvard Law School is quickly becoming the face of the Democratic Party, as he is smack dab in the middle of the Trump/Russia investigation.  I admit that he is not the most liberal of politicians.  In fact, Schiff has Republican roots via his mother and maternal grandfather.  Thus it may raise some of your eyebrows that I would express an interest in a Democrat who has a history of being a bit hawkish. But after some Independents and moderate Democrats decided to vote for Donald Trump - or not vote at all last year - it seems to me that if liberals and progressives like me are going to get The White House repainted with blue fringe...we need to focus on a candidate that will bring back those individuals who, in 2016, jumped the fence in to the red zone.

     Beyond politics...Adam Schiff is a decent family man...apparently with strong morals.  He and his wife, Eve, have two children - a daughter and a son.  And yes...if Congressman Schiff runs for President and wins..."the first couple" of our country would be Adam and Eve.  You can chuckle now.

     After America has been punished with a President who is the most narcissistic and egotistical in our nation's history...I surely hope voters will want a leader again who - like Barack Obama - cares more about other people than himself.  Donald Trump proved once more - on Thursday, May 25th - that, in his mind, he's better and more important than even other heads of state.  If you haven't seen it yet, I suggest you go on-line and watch the video of Trump at the NATO summit in Brussels Belgium...when he pushed in front of other leaders...and shoved aside the Prime Minister of Montenegro so that "The Donald" could be center-stage for a group photo.

     Adam Schiff's focus is to help the citizens of our country and to do the work that is necessary to accomplish such goals.  Schiff is genuinely concerned about making life better for ALL Americans...not just for the wealthy...and certainly not just for himself.  With the cancer that is Donald Trump...Adam Schiff may be the cure.

     And that's The Controversy for today.

     I'm Gary B. Duglin.

     "We'll talk again."

The Controversy is a publication of GBD Productions.  Founder and Editor-In-Chief of The Controversy is Gary B. Duglin.

Now, please express your personal opinions by following the instructions above.  And thank you for reading The Controversy.

Copyright 2017 Gary B. Duglin and  All Rights Reserved.

Friday, May 19, 2017


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     In office less than four months...Donald Trump's presidency could be nearing an end.  Actually, it should be nearing an end.  And now...with the appointment of Robert Mueller as Special Counsel...if there is evidence to be found...of a crime by Trump or anybody else who was involved with his presidential campaign...Mueller will get to the truth.  This former FBI Director was appointed by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein - on Wednesday, May 17th, 2017 - to oversee and be in complete charge of the Justice Department's criminal investigation in to Russia's interference in to the presidential election of 2016.  It was Rosenstein's decision to select Mueller since Attorney General Jeff Sessions - on March 2nd - recused himself from any participation with the Russian probe because of his pre-election contacts with the Russian ambassador...a fact Sessions neglected to disclose to the U.S. Senate during his confirmation hearings.

     Bob Mueller has served our country with honor, dignity and integrity.  He commanded the FBI for twelve years under President George W. Bush and President Barack Obama.  Nobody - besides J. Edgar Hoover - ever carried the FBI chief's badge so long.  Mueller is a retired military veteran...having spent three years in the U.S. Marine Corps...where he earned a Bronze Star and a Purple Heart during the Vietnam War.  Mueller is a distinguished American attorney who is revered by special agents and others at the FBI...and by Democrats and Republicans alike in Congress. Robert Mueller is the perfect get to the bottom of that...which are the Trump Administration scandals.  

     But Donald Trump is not at all happy with such a Special Counsel investigation. On Thursday, May 18th, he tweeted..."This is the single greatest witch hunt of a politician in American history!"  But in an exclusive interview with NBC News Chief Anchor Lester Holt - on Thursday, May 11th - Trump pushed for the Russian investigation to continue...and to be "absolutely done properly."  There's nobody better than Bob Mueller to accomplish this task properly.  But getting it done properly might just put Trump in the hot seat of House impeachment hearings and a Senate trial.  He and his Administration are going to be embroiled in controversy for perhaps many months, if not longer, while Mueller's investigation is ongoing.  This is not a witch hunt.  It's the American way to address a critical issue and to determine the definitive facts.  

     One of many questions to ask is this.  Since Bob Mueller could end up giving the Trump presidency a long life...or lead it towards a quick death...what if Trump decides to put the whammy on Mueller...and fire him...just as he did Jim Comey? There is no law that says the President cannot terminate the Special Counsel. Expect the unexpected with Donald Trump.  He might end up getting rid of Mueller, as well as the guy who appointed him...Rod Rosenstein.  But doing that would be a monumental mistake.  

     In a press conference in the East Room of The White House - on May 18th - Trump was grilled by reporters about the new Special Counsel and his investigation. But Trump wouldn't budge an inch.  Instead...he tightly grasped on to his assertion that "there's no collusion" with Russia.

     So how much stormy weather can Trump withstand?  With all the black clouds hovering over The White House, Trump has got to wonder when lightning is going to strike next.  And if that deadly bolt...will be zapped directly at him. is apparent - through reports by both The New York Times and The Washington Post - that Trump could eventually be found guilty of obstruction of justice, as there seems to be much corruption in "Trumpland."  And there may end up being enough evidence to warrant a House of Representatives impeachment...a Senate conviction...and Trump's removal from office as President of the United States.

     Former FBI Director James Comey kept a paper trail that documented his meetings and telephone conversations with Trump.  On Tuesday, May 16th, The New York Times broke a story, which raises more questions about Trump's alleged involvement with Russian espionage.  The newspaper detailed that Comey penned a memo, which documented that Trump wanted the then FBI Director to put the kibosh on the Bureau's investigation of former National Security Adviser and retired U.S. Army Lieutenant General Michael Flynn.  Flynn is accused of being on Russia's payroll. There are also allegations that he was a Russian spy.

     To allow General Flynn to go scot-free - that is if he were to be found guilty in a court of law - would not be acceptable to most Americans.  However, if Flynn is the key to Donald Trump and any Russian interference with our election, then Flynn needs to be granted total immunity.  But only with the condition that he is fully able to provide the federal government with information necessary to reach a conclusion - whether positive or negative - about Trump and anyone else in his campaign or Administration.    

     The New York Times says that in Comey's memo...he writes what Trump allegedly told him...which was..."I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting Flynn go."  Reaction to those words was strong by Independent Senator Angus King of Maine...who caucuses with the Democrats.  Senator King told Hardball host Chris Matthews on his May 16th MSNBC program...that Trump's remark to Comey about Flynn "certainly appear to meet the definition in the (obstruction of justice) statute."  It should be noted, however - as this column is published - that nobody at The New York Times has actually seen the February 14th memo, but that - according to the newspaper - an associate of Comey's read part of it to their reporter.

     The information released so far...about James Comey's memo...could indicate a command by the President of the United States to the FBI Director...not a request. Depending on the inflection of Trump's voice...when he allegedly spoke the aforementioned sounds as if Trump could have been issuing a direct order...and not simply making a suggestion.

     Prior to The New York Times article about the Comey memo...The Washington Post - on Monday, May 15th - reported that Donald Trump divulged highly classified intelligence information to the Russian Foreign Minister and the Russian Ambassador during a very chummy White House meeting on Wednesday, May 10th.  The Post says Trump revealed details of an ISIS threat...describing terrorists who could smuggle explosives on airplanes by using laptop computers.  After National Security Adviser and U.S. Army Lieutenant General H. R. McMaster categorically called The Washington Post story "false"...Trump - on May 16th - defended himself by tweeting that he has the "absolute right" to share information with Russia.  Trump admitted to giving Russian officials "facts pertaining to terrorism and airline flight safety."

     Although legal experts and Constitutional scholars have reportedly stated that it is lawful for Trump - as President - to declassify certain U.S. is being debated that he does not have the right to disclose intelligence information that was confidentially provided to the United States by one of our allies.

     Later on May 16th, The New York Times reported that it was Israel that gave the ISIS-related intelligence to Trump.  Democratic Senator Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut told NBC's Today show that Trump's actions "threaten our credibility in dealing with partners and allies, who provide extraordinarily valuable and sensitive information.  There may be no law broken, but the rules and norms have clearly been crossed here."

     Meanwhile...Republican Senator Bob Corker of Tennessee told reporters on Capitol Hill..."To compromise a source is something that you just don't do.  And that's why we keep the information that we get from intelligence sources so close, as to prevent that from happening."

     Democratic Senator Jack Reed of Rhode Island criticized Trump by saying his "recklessness with sensitive information is deeply disturbing and clearly problematic."

     And Democratic Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer of New York says Trump may have "badly damaged our national security" with his release of classified intelligence to the Russians.

     No matter what...Donald Trump has performed irresponsibly.  And - as I have written for nearly two years - he is unfit and incompetent to serve as America's Commander-In-Chief and the leader of the free world.  Trump has proven time and time again...that he is more concerned about his relationship with Russia than he is with the people of the United States.  

     The United States Constitution defines "treason" as "giving aid and comfort to the enemy."  The secrets that Trump loudly whispered to his Kremlin cronies had been closely guarded until he opened up to the Russians.  That could - according to many Constitutional scholars - be considered treason.  I will, therefore, remind you that it was Donald Trump - who for nearly a year-and-a-half - chastised Hillary wrongly blaming the former Secretary of State for being "stupid" and "negligent" with regard to "classified secrets" when she used a private e-mail server. At campaign rallies, Trump would lead voters in chants of "lock her up."  And on July 6th, 2016...Trump tweeted..."Crooked Hillary Clinton and her team were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information.  Not fit!"

     But there is no proof whatsoever that Mrs. Clinton exposed classified information to anyone...especially not to an adversary of the United States.  Certainly, she didn't share secrets from an American ally to an enemy of our country.  

     Donald Trump has caused chaos across our nation...and he has done so in such a short period of time.  It is chilling to think that the President of the United States revealed sensitive information to Russia...and not only admits that he did, but that he believes it is a perfectly acceptable practice.  Wait until allies, other than Israel, want to confidentially communicate vital intelligence with the American federal government, but decide against it because they can't trust Trump and his big mouth.

     Russia is in bed with Syria and Iran.  Iran is a huge threat - perhaps the biggest threat - to Israel in the Middle East region.  Why the hell would Trump provide Vladimir Putin's people with classified information that was privately given to him by Israel?  It's mind-boggling.  And yet...General McMaster says it was "wholly appropriate" for Trump to do so.  I suppose he's just as nuts as Trump.

     Donald Trump spilled the beans to Putin's pals less than 24 hours after he fired James Comey as FBI Director...which was on Tuesday, May 9th.  In that interview with NBC's Lester Holt on May 11th, Trump did not hold back on expressing that Russia was on his mind when he terminated Comey from his job...which some legal experts believe can be considered obstruction of justice.  After all...Comey had been leading an investigation in to Russia's meddling in our 2016 election.  Comey testified before the House Intelligence Committee on March 20th and noted...that since July 2016...he was "authorized by the Department of Justice to confirm that the FBI, as part of our counterintelligence mission, is investigating the Russian government's efforts to interfere in the 2016 presidential election, and that includes investigating the nature of any links between individuals associated with the Trump campaign and the Russian government, and whether there was any coordination between the campaign and Russia's efforts."

     Let's review Comey's statement that he was "investigating the nature of any links between individuals associated with the Trump campaign and the Russian government."  Who was the centerpiece...and the head...of the Trump campaign?  It was Donald Trump.  So despite the fact that Trump told Lester Holt that Comey assured him - on three separate occasions - that he (Trump) was not personally under investigation by the seems clear to me - based on Comey's carefully crafted words - that Trump indeed was part of the FBI probe.  Therefore, by firing Comey as FBI Director...while he was smack dab in the middle of an investigation that included Trump himself...many Constitutional lawyers nationwide are insisting that Trump obstructed justice.

     Donald Trump admitted to Lester Holt..."In fact, when I decided to just do it (fire Comey)...I said to myself, I said...'You know, this Russia thing with Trump and Russia is a made-up story.  It's an excuse by the Democrats for having lost an election that they should have won.'"  Thus, the investigation allegedly tying Trump and/or his campaign to the Russian's interference with our election...was one of the reasons Trump fired the FBI boss.  And his words above demonstrate that Trump's focus - when he dismissed Comey - was on the Russian probe.  Nevertheless, Trump told Lester Holt that he "never" asked Comey to drop the investigation.

     Also in his NBC News interview with Lester Holt...Trump claimed that he was going to fire Comey months ago.  But in his news conference on May 18th, Trump flip-flopped again about the circumstances that led to Comey's termination.  He went back to the original story from May 9th that Comey was given the boot based on a recommendation in a lengthy letter to Trump from Rod Rosenstein.  But Trump told Lester Holt that the Deputy Attorney General's letter was not what swayed him to dismiss Comey as FBI Director.  Trump has lied so much in the last four months...if he was Pinocchio...his nose would be a mile long.

     But there are even more developments with this part of the story.  NBC News reports that Rosenstein - on May 18th - during a closed-door briefing on Capitol Hill...informed all one-hundred U.S. Senators...that he was completely aware of Donald Trump's decision to fire Comey...before he wrote Trump the which he advised him to dismiss the FBI Director...because Rosenstein had lost confidence in him.  What a way to run a country!

     On Friday, May 12th - in a tweet that looks and smells like a threat - Donald Trump wrote..."James Comey better hope that there are no 'tapes' of our conversations before he starts leaking to the press!"  Democratic Senator Dick Durbin of Illinois tagged Trump's tweet...a "thinly veiled threat" that "could be construed as threatening a witness in this investigation, which is another violation of federal law." And Senator Blumenthal contends..."There is so much that smacks of obstruction of justice that is swirling around this dismissal and the meetings that preceded it."  

     Let's recall that in other remarks to NBC's Lester Holt, it was unmistakable that Trump was basically bribing Comey...a felony.  Pledge loyalty to me and keep your job.  That is not a quote, but the crux of Trump's remark.  And if you watch the NBC News interview, that is essentially what Trump said. The bottom line is that James Comey's loyalty as FBI Director was to the Constitution of the United States.  Too bad he didn't have similar loyalty to the Department of Justice's regulations.  If he had, Comey never would have written that letter to Congress - eleven days before the election - which unfortunately cost Hillary Clinton the presidency.

     Democrats and Republicans are on the same page...that if Trump does have recorded conversations with Comey - stashed away somewhere in The White House or elsewhere - he needs to present them to Congress.  On Sunday, May 14th, Republican Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina told NBC News Political Director and the Moderator of Meet The Press Chuck Todd..."If there are any tapes, they need to be turned over."

     But when reporters on May 15th asked White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer about any tapes, he repeated the same rehearsed answer over and over again.  "I think I made it clear that the President has nothing further on that.  I made it clear what the President's position is on that issue."  And when asked if Trump would cooperate with furnishing the Legislative Branch's request for any such recordings...Spicer echoed the same response.

     If there are recorded tapes of conversations between Trump and Comey, it is imperative that they immediately be given to the Senate, the House of Representatives and Special Counsel Bob Mueller.  And whatever memos Comey has...also need to be handed over to Mueller and both chambers of Congress.

     I have to wonder if James Comey specifically wrote the discussed memo - as well as other messages and notes - in order to build an obstruction of justice case against Donald Trump.  After all...Comey testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Wednesday, May 3rd...and confessed that he felt "mildy nauseous" about the possibility that he affected the election between Hillary Clinton and Trump. It was Comey's infamous letter to Congress that became such a hotbed of controversy.  That letter indicated that there were new e-mails that might have shown possible wrongdoing by Secretary Clinton.  Such e-mails were merely duplicates of others that had been previously reviewed by the FBI and, therefore, did not suggest in any way that Mrs. Clinton was guilty of any illegal activity.  It is likely that Comey realized...that he was patently wrong last writing such a correspondence to Congress...which undeniably had an impact on the election.  But despite Secretary Clinton's innocence..."The Donald" can't help but tweet more and more "Trumpian trash" against Mrs. Clinton.  In yet another tweet on May 18th, Trump wrote..."With all the illegal acts that took place in the Clinton campaign and Obama Administration, there was never a Special Counsel appointed!"  For Trump to continue attacking Hillary Clinton - or President Obama, for that matter - six-and-a-half months after the immeasurably immature...and it divides the country even more.

     The Comey memo could also be a way for the former top cop to cover his own butt.  If Trump was seeking a quid pro quo...and was looking for a trade-off - in other words, Comey's job in exchange for killing the investigation on Michael Flynn...(or, for that matter, possible links between Trump and Russia) - then such a memo from Comey could easily give him the ammunition to take down Trump...should Trump attempt to throw Comey under the bus.  Make no bones about it...that's exactly what Trump is now doing.  But I doubt Trump's evil tricks will be successful against the former FBI Director.

     The official White House statement remains...Trump "never asked Mr. Comey or anyone else to end any investigation, including any investigation involving General Flynn."  Trump reiterated that comment at his May 18th press conference.

     Americans must be certain if James Comey was fired because he was getting too close to digging up dirt that would metaphorically bury Donald Trump and his presidency.  We must know - as Senator Chuck Schumer stated on the Senate floor on May 17th - if Trump "pressured" Comey to shut down the investigation of General Flynn and/or any probe in to Trump and his campaign regarding ties to Russia. Americans must know for sure...if Donald Trump was involved in a collusion plot with Vladimir Putin and the interfere with our election of November 8th, 2016.

     So these questions stand.  Why has Trump been so protective of Michael Flynn? What smut does Flynn have on Trump?  And what does Flynn know about possible connections that Trump has with Russia?

     The credibility of Donald Trump and his entire White House staff is gone.  It's out the window.  There is no credibility at all.  And there is nobody in The West Wing who can be trusted.

     For many months...I have entertained in columns...that the Trump scandals are reminiscent - in numerous ways - to Watergate.  And now...Senator John McCain has reached the same conclusion.  The Arizona Republican has called Trump's actions to be of "Watergate size and scale."

     On Saturday, May 13th, I tweeted..."The ghost of Richard Nixon (known as Donald Trump) walks the halls of The White House as he haunts both it and our country."

     If Trump follows the path of President Nixon...he will resign the presidency before Congress can impeach and convict him.  Or will Donald Trump not even wait until impeachment is looming?  Will he, one day - sooner rather than later - be so pissed-off with fed-up with being President...that he throws in the towel and tells the nation that he's finished?  "Stick a fork in me.  I'm done."  Will Trump turn to Mike Pence one morning and say he's had enough?  "It's yours.  I don't want it anymore.  I'm going back to my company." Donald Trump so egotistically narcissistic...and so paranoid and delusional...that he'll not leave unless he's forced out?

     On Friday, May 19th, Trump will board Air Force One for his first international trip since taking the oath of office as President. His voyage will take him to five countries and he will meet with dozens of world leaders.  Perhaps Trump will order his pilot to divert the presidential plane to Russia. If we're lucky...Donald Trump will decide to stay in Moscow...never to return to Washington, DC.

     And that's The Controversy for today.

     I'm Gary B. Duglin.

     "We'll talk again." 

The Controversy is a publication of GBD Productions.  Founder and Editor-In-Chief of The Controversy is Gary B. Duglin.

Now, please express your personal opinions by following the instructions above.  And thank you for reading The Controversy.

Copyright 2017 Gary B. Duglin and  All Rights Reserved.

Thursday, May 11, 2017


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     As I tweeted on Tuesday, May 9th, 2017...if James Comey is smart, he will spill the beans on everything he knows.  The now former Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation can alone...single-handedly...bring down the Presidency of Donald Trump.  But Comey needs to have the courage to do it.

     There is no reason for me to use this column detail chapter and verse...Comey's firing by Trump on May 9th...because - unless you've been sleeping under a huge boulder over the last few days - you know the particulars. 

     The above being said...if you believe that Trump dismissed Comey because - as initial reports indicated - he "mishandled" the Hillary Clinton e-mail investigation... then you also believe that pigs can fly.  Donald Trump is undoubtedly terrified of any probe in to Russia's connection in to last year's race between he and Mrs. Clinton. You may recall that Comey testified before the House Intelligence Committtee on March 20th that the FBI has been, in fact, actively investigating - since July 2016 - allegations that members of the "Trump campaign" were linked to the "Russian government's efforts to interfere in the 2016 Presidential election."  That contradicts the termination letter that Comey received from Trump whereby he states..."While I greatly appreciate you informing me, on three separate occasions, that I am not under investigation, I nevertheless concur with the judgment of the Department of Justice that you are not able to effectively lead the Bureau."  It should always be remembered that the head of the Trump campaign was Donald if the "Trump campaign" is being investigated...that would have to include Trump himself.

     Let's not forget...that during his Congressional testimony in March...Comey was directly asked by Democratic Representative Eric Swalwell of California...if Trump himself was at anytime - either before or after the election - under investigation. Comey's reply..."I'm not going to answer that."  In other words...Comey's refusal to provide a definitive response to Congressman Swalwell's question leaves me - and other Americans to believe - that Trump was indeed part of the FBI probe. 

     On Thursday, May 11th - during a Senate Intelligence Committee hearing on Capitol Hill - Democratic Senator Ron Wyden of Oregon asked the new acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe...if he was aware of a conversation between Donald Trump and James Comey...about Trump personally being investigated by the Bureau. McCabe also refused to answer.

     In that same Senate hearing...Republican Senator Susan Collins of Maine asked McCabe if it is "standard practice" for the FBI to inform anyone that he is "not a target" of an investigation.  McCabe stated..."I'm not aware of that being a standard practice."

     But in an exclusive interview with NBC News Chief Anchor Lester Holt, Donald Trump - on May 11th - stated he outright inquired three times to James Comey whether he was being investigated by the FBI for improper conduct with Russia. Trump said Comey told him..."You are not under investigation."  But at this point... who can really believe anything that Donald Trump says?

     It is as obvious as the unusual hair-do on Donald Trump's head that he was - and still is - a target in the criminal investigation, which allegedly ties him with illegal activity by Russia to influence the outcome of our national election.  So by firing Comey - who was in charge of the aforementioned investigation - Trump has removed the person who has conceivably caused him to suffer sleepless nights since Inauguration Day on January 20th.  Still...Trump denies firing Comey to quash the Russian investigation.  But - like many millions of other Americans - I definitely do not believe him.

     I certainly am not a fan of James Comey.  I absolutely agree with Hillary Clinton that Comey cost her the election...and that if the now former FBI Director had not written that infamous letter to Congress - eleven days before the election - that the former Secretary of State would...without the 45th President of the United States.  Comey clearly violated Department of Justice regulations to not interfere with an election.  He was categorically wrong.  And I would have understood...and supported...Comey's termination as FBI Director if he was fired by President Barack Obama...or by Donald Trump on January 20th.  But to do it mighty fishy.  

     I will add this, however.  Trump is a coward.  He didn't have the guts - dare I use the word "balls" - to meet Comey order to properly terminate his employment with the federal government.  Though he would never admit it...Trump has all along used his reality television show, The Apprentice, as the prototype for his Presidency.  But The White House is not the Trump Tower boardroom and, therefore, Trump didn't even give James Comey the courtesy for a face to face... "You're fired!"  Instead...Trump sent his longtime bodyguard and Trump Tower security chief, Keith Schiller - who currently serves as Director of Oval Office Operations - to deliver the letter to Comey's office at the J. Edgar Hoover F.B.I. Building in Washington, DC...even though Trump had to be aware...that Comey was at an FBI the Bureau's Los Angeles operations center in California. Thus, Comey reportedly learned of his termination via a television monitor that flashed the "breaking news" while members of his staff scurried to his side.

     As has been reported since Comey was dismissed...Americans - Democrats and Republicans alike - including many Members of not believe that the Russian investigation was not a factor in Comey being fired.  And if - as Trump told reporters on Wednesday, May 10th - that Comey was let go "Because he wasn't doing a good job, very simply"...then why wasn't the FBI chief soon as Trump took the oath of office nearly four months ago?  That answer is plain and simple.  James Comey was probably digging up dirt on Donald Trump...and Trump wanted to bury the Russian investigation before that dirt buried him. Therefore... Trump put himself above the law.

     Trump has called the Russian probe everything from a "hoax" a "charade" "fake news."  But reportedly...Comey's aim was to prove...or to disprove...the allegations that Trump and/or senior members of his campaign team were involved in a plot to destroy Hillary Clinton's chances at winning the Presidential election.  A vast amount of Americans - including myself - believe that White House officials are in the thick of a cover-up.  And that Donald Trump has perhaps participated with such a conspiracy.

     The term "Constitutional crisis" has been expressed all week by numerous people from both political parties.  The democracy of our nation...and the freedoms of each and every American...are being threatened.  Therefore, an Independent Special Prosecutor - someone who Democrats and Republicans can implicitly trust - must be appointed to further investigate Russia's meddling in to our election and the possible links to Trump and his campaign staff.  Americans must protect our country from Russian espionage.

     The citizens of the United States must know for sure how deep the Russian connection is...and if Trump himself...colluded with Russian President Vladimir Putin and/or others associated with the Kremlin.  After is suspicious - and, therefore, unlikely to be a coincidence - that Trump fired both the Acting Attorney General (Sally Yates) and the FBI Director (James Comey).  Keep in mind that Yates warned The White House that Trump's former National Security Adviser - retired U.S. Army Lieutenant General Michael Flynn - may have been, in some way, compromised...or even Russian intelligence agents.  And that Comey had apparently been questioning the possibility...that members of the Trump campaign - including Trump - allegedly participated in illegal activities that involved Russia.  And when you add in the fact...that it took 18 days for Trump to dismiss Flynn - an alleged spy who is also accused of being on Russia's payroll - then this White House scandal is worse than Watergate. the hell did Donald Trump - on May 10th - welcome to The White House...without U.S. reporters present...the Russian Foreign Minister and the Russian Ambassador?  And the plot thickens.

     The timing of Trump's firing of James Comey is not only puzzling, but troubling and disturbing.  Many Members of the House of Representatives and the Senate - from both political parties - were shocked by Trump's decision to give Comey the boot.  Attorney General Jeff Sessions supposedly recused himself from the Russian investigation and put the Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein on top of that probe.  Yet it was Sessions who - on the recommendation of Rosenstein - reportedly advised Trump to get rid of Comey.

     Democratic Senator Dick Durbin of Illinois - on May 10th - revealed to reporters... "I'm told that as soon as Rosenstein arrived, there was a request for additional resources for the investigation and that a few days afterwards he (Comey) was sacked."  Senator Durbin went on to say..."I think the Comey operation was breathing down the neck of the Trump campaign and their operatives, and this (the firing of Director Comey) was an effort to slow down the investigation."

     Donald Trump has abused his power to release FBI Director Comey from a job whereby he was investigating the President's campaign leadership...and - more than likely - the President himself.  Without question...Trump was - and still is - scared of what will be discovered by the Senate and House investigations and by any probe conducted by the Justice Department or an Independent Special Prosecutor.  But Americans must know unequivocally...whether the man who is now sitting behind The Oval Office desk...the man who holds the nuclear codes...did...or did not... coordinate with a foreign adversary...thus collude with meddle with the U.S. Presidential election of November 8th, 2016. 

     If it looks like a cover-up...and smells like a must be a cover-up. And a cover-up.  The ultimate questions are...who on Donald Trump's team may be guilty of obstruction of justice...or even treason?  And how involved...if Trump?

     I have to wonder if part of James Comey is now relieved to have the day to day pressure off him.  It has been reported that Trump had been planning - for awhile - to terminate Comey.  There are some who believe that Trump's goal from the beginning...was to can Comey - who correctly felt it would be wrong, under the law, to prosecute Hillary Clinton over the e-mail controversy - and to then bring on board an FBI Director...such as former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani...or New Jersey Governor Chris Christie...or the like...who would recommend an indictment of Secretary Clinton.  If Trump does would be the act of a dictator...not a U.S. President.  And with only a simple majority needed for the Senate to confirm a new FBI Director, if only 51 of the 52 Republicans vote yea, Trump could get his way. But for credibility, the FBI Director should have at least 60 to 75 yes votes...if not more. More importantly, though...there is no evidence whatsoever that Mrs. Clinton performed any act of illegal wrongdoing.  To put Hillary Clinton...and the people of the United States...through a lengthy and expensive trial...would not only be unjustified...but it would be wicked and perverted abuse of an innocent and honorable person who in no way deserves it.  Our country would not only suffer beyond imagination...but Watergate...and the witch-hunt that was the impeachment of President Bill Clinton...would look like cases for shoplifting.

     I heard more than one television news commentator this Donald Trump to a king...who expects every single person to bow down to him.  But Trump is not royalty.  Some of his actions - not all - are more in tune with Marlon Brando's character, Don Vito Corleone in the 1973 Academy Award winning Best Picture, The Godfather.  I certainly hope - after writing this column - that I don't wake up one morning to find a horse's head next to me in my bed.

     And that's The Controversy for today.

     I'm Gary B. Duglin.

     "We'll talk again."

The Controversy is a publication of GBD Productions.  Founder and Editor-In-Chief of The Controversy is Gary B. Duglin.

Now, please express your personal opinions by following the instructions above.  And thank you for reading The Controversy.

Copyright 2017 Gary B. Duglin and  All Rights Reserved.

Saturday, May 6, 2017


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     As a two-time cancer survivor with other pre-existing conditions, without the Affordable Care Act - "Obamacare" - I would probably be dead today.  I will always be grateful to President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden.  Thank you, Mr. President and Mr. Vice President.  

     Pre-existing conditions and Essential Health Benefits must be protected throughout all 50 United States of America.

     This message is directed to each Member of the U.S. Senate. Do not dishonor yourselves.  Do not sink to the reprehensible level of those Republicans in the House of Representatives who voted on Thursday, May 4th, 2017 to repeal the Affordable Care Act. 

     The Affordable Care Act is the law of the land.  Improve on it, but do not repeal and replace it.  Or else, you'll have on your conscience, the deaths of millions of Americans.

     And that's The Controversy for today.

     I'm Gary B. Duglin.

     "We'll talk again."

The Controversy is a publication of GBD Productions.  Founder and Editor-In-Chief of The Controversy is Gary B. Duglin.

Now, please express your personal opinions by following the instructions above.  And thank you for reading The Controversy.

Photo credits: Billboard (Former President Barack Obama) and Politico (Former Vice President Joe Biden)

Copyright 2017 Gary B. Duglin and  All Rights Reserved.

Friday, May 5, 2017


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     It's likely that many of my readers will be quite angry with me - dare I use the word pissed - at the language I use in this column.  But I don't care.  I would venture to say that some people who I know personally...such as friends...members of my own family...and professionals in the business world...will want to rake me over the coals because of my reaction to the passing of the Republican healthcare bill by the GOP-controlled U.S. House of Representatives.  But I don't care.

     Anybody...yes, I said anybody...who supports the Republican legislation - in the form that it is in right now - is as bad as someone who is an accomplice to a crime.

     When a person commits a murder...and another individual helps that killer to escape...or he or she is involved in any way as an accessory after-the-fact...then the person who pulled the trigger goes to prison...and so does the accomplice.

     I don't believe that the Republican healthcare bill - known as the American Health Care Act - will ever become its current form...because it will be virtually impossible to pass the U.S. Senate.  None of the 48 Democrats will vote for it...and with the Senate needing 60 votes to pass, I would be shocked if the GOP could ever sway 8 Democrats to cross the aisle and join forces with the 52 Republicans. However, that being said...if anything similar to the GOP bill ever did become law... each Member of Congress - from the House and the Senate - who voted...or will vote yea...will be guilty of murder.  Such a law would cause 24-million Americans to lose their health insurance...and tens-of-thousands of those people will die without the care they have received through the Affordable Care Act...commonly known as "Obamacare."

     If you are one who who supports the Republican bill that passed the House on Thursday, May 4th, 2017, then - if it ever becomes law - you can someday consider yourself no better than a serial killer.  You can compare yourself to John Wayne Gacy and Jeffrey Dahmer.  By applauding the GOP House bill - should it become law - you could end up being worse than Charles Manson...because of the deaths that will result from this measure.  And if you praise the Republican health care legislation, you fall in to the category of a terrorist.  Therefore, the Republican House - and the Republican Senate if they were to pass the same bill - would be as deadly as ISIS or al-Qaeda.  Finally...if the Senate were to approve such a measure and Donald Trump signed it in to law...he would be as treacherous as Osama bin Laden.

     In a February 2016 interview with Fox News...then GOP candidate Donald Trump told Sean Hannity..."I'm not gonna have, if I'm President, people dying in the street because they can't afford (a) health plan.  I'm not going to allow people to die on the sidewalks of the streets.  I'm not gonna let it happen."  But now - as he sits behind The Oval Office desk - Trump will let people die in the streets if both chambers of Congress pass the American Health Care Act...and if Trump signs it in to law.

     How dare House Republicans - and how dare any Republican voter - want to jeopardize the health of tens-of-millions of people.  The toxicity of this bill is as bad as if people were forced to live next to a hazardous waste dump...or to drink water that was poisoned by arsenic.

     If the GOP healthcare bill - in its present form - ever replaces the Affordable Care Act...then residents in villages, towns and cities throughout the 50 United States... will see the names of their neighbors in newspaper and Internet obituaries.  

     The House Republican bill shoots bullets through the hearts of millions of Americans.  GOP Congressmen want Americans to believe that individuals with pre-existing conditions will be covered by their new bill.  They have obviously gone to "The Donald Trump School Of Lying" because pre-existing conditions would not be protected.  The Republican legislation would give states a green light to get waivers that would permit insurance companies to drastically raise premiums for people with pre-existing conditions.  In other words...sick people have to pay more for coverage. For for a 40-year old male who is battling cancer would increase by an extra 73-thousand to 143-thousand dollars a year.  That's over and above the regular annual premium amounts.  The bottom line - House Republicans don't give a damn about the people in our country.  According to a CNN/ORC poll in March 2017, 87 percent of Americans - including more than 80 percent in both political parties - support "maintaining the protections offered to people with pre-existing conditions under Obamacare."  And yes - as it is with many of you - this is personal to me.  I'm a two-time cancer survivor with other pre-existing conditions.  

     The Republican's new bill says states can opt out and, therefore, give insurance companies a thumbs-up to eliminate what are known as Essential Health Benefits. That means everything from prescription drugs to pregnancy and maternity care to emergency services and more would be reduced or even eliminated...and thus not be considered "essential."  And insurance companies would be allowed to impose annual caps and lifetime limits on benefits, which would undoubtedly put millions of Americans in to bankruptcy.

     The Republican measure will also give insurance companies the right to discriminate against the elderly.  Premium costs for senior citizens would be five times higher than younger people would pay for the same exact coverage. Deductibles and out-of-pocket maximums would skyrocket for older Americans.  And people could be thrown in to high-risk pools, which - prior to the Affordable Care Act - were disastrous plans for individuals and families.

     The House Republican legislation is designed to help the wealthy of our nation, but not the middle-class and the poor.  Single Americans who annually earn 200-thousand dollars or more...and couples whose yearly income exceeds one-quarter-of-a-million dollars...would benefit from a 300-billion-dollar tax cut.  Plus the pharmaceutical and insurance companies would receive tax breaks totaling hundreds of billions of dollars too.

     To top it off...nearly 900-billion dollars would be chopped from Medicaid with the new House GOP bill.  Some 70-million Americans depend on Medicaid for survival. However, if almost one-trillion dollars is axed from Medicaid, millions of Americans would no longer receive funding to live.  And the vast majority of Medicaid money goes to aid poor children, low-income elderly and the disabled.  Do we really want to believe that Donald Trump and the House Republicans care about people?  I don't think so.

     Then there are the subsidies...the tax credits that the Affordable Care Act provides for low-income individuals and families.  With the House Republican bill, those subsidies would be radically slashed.

     I've outlined just some of the many reasons why the new House legislation should never become law.  The first GOP measure - which went up in smoke without a vote - had a very low approval rating nationwide and I guarantee there will be less popularity for this new legislation.  Only 17 percent of Americans - according to a March 2017 Quinnipiac University Poll - back a plan to repeal and replace Obamacare.

     But that didn't make a difference to Donald Trump and his Republican cronies... who were almost giddy with glee as they celebrated in The White House Rose Garden after the House bill passed, 217 to 213.  

     In spite of House Members being joyful by what they think is a victory...Donald Trump has once again proved that he doesn't have the slightest idea what he's saying when he makes his off-the-cuff remarks.  After all...just hours after the House vote...Trump greeted Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull aboard the USS Intrepid in New York City.  The decommissioned aircraft carrier is docked in the Hudson River and is the centerpiece for the Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum.

     While meeting with the Australian leader, Trump expressed kind words for the healthcare program "Down Under."  He told Turnbull..."You have better healthcare than we do."

     But Australia's Medicare system is a government universal healthcare program that guarantees insurance for everyone.  And the price per citizen is much less money than what we pay in the United States.  Such a healthcare system is what liberal progressive Democrats have wanted all along.  Senator Bernie Sanders tweeted..."Thank you Mr. Trump for admitting that universal health care is the better way to go.  I'll be sure to quote you on the floor of the Senate."  

     Does Donald Trump have any clue what the hell he is doing?  Of course not.  But most of America has known that since the day he announced his candidacy for President.  The House Republican's healthcare measure is like everything else that Trump touches.  It's irrational.  Trump...along with Speaker of the House Paul Ryan and other House Republicans...are responsible for a deplorably heinous piece of legislation.  If their bill becomes law...Donald Trump - and certain members of Congress - will eventually be guilty of murder.  And so will any of you who support it.  
     And that's The Controversy for today.

     I'm Gary B. Duglin.

     "We'll talk again."

The Controversy is a publication of GBD Productions.  Founder and Editor-In-Chief of The Controversy is Gary B. Duglin.

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Copyright 2017 Gary B. Duglin and  All Rights Reserved.