Monday, November 3, 2014


     The Controversy this week makes a prediction.  With the midterm elections coming up tomorrow - Tuesday, November 4th, 2014 - count on the Democrats winning, winning, winning...and you can bet on the Democrats to keep control of the United States Senate.  Take it to the bank.

     That being said...every single American adult - EVERYONE - 18 years of age and older MUST get to the polls on November 4th and you MUST cast your ballots. Whether you're a Democrat, a Republican or an Independent...your vote could make the difference in your favorite candidate winning.  If the polls are correct, many elections are going to be very, very turnout is essential.  I realize that you've read this...or heard this...over and over and over every local, state and national election...but it's so very true.  If you don't vote, then you have no business complaining if your candidates and your political party don't win.  That's my bi-partisan statement.

     As for my partisan comment...if you're a Democrat...and you don't want the Republicans in Congress to give President Obama more grief than he deserves, then make sure you vote for every Democratic candidate running for the U.S. Senate and the House of Representatives.  The same applies for those of you who are voting for the Governor of your state and the mayors of your cities.  Vote Democrat!

     Don't let the Republicans in Congress and Republican Governors try to destroy education in our country.  Don't let Republicans make it easier for people to purchase guns.  We must have stronger and tougher gun control laws.  And, of course, don't let Republicans on Capitol Hill focus on efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act...because - since that can never happen - Congress - as a whole - needs to concentrate on more priorities concerning Americans than by attempting to do away with a law of the land that has been endorsed by all three branches of the federal government.

     The Republicans must lose their elections and the Democrats must be victorious.  It's the only way to keep America moving forward and on a proper path for peace...for economic prosperity...for an increase in the minimum wage...a continued decrease in unemployment...and for everything that will be good and great for the United States of America.

     So for Democrats...and keep America headed in the right direction. Or I really should the "left" direction.

     And that's The Controversy for today.

     I'm Gary B. Duglin.

     "We'll talk again."

The Controversy is a publication of GBD Productions.  Founder and Editor-In-Chief of The Controversy is Gary B. Duglin.

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Copyright 2014 Gary B. Duglin and  All Rights Reserved.


  1. I agree with most of the statements you make in this "Controversy" but I don't think I would predict that the Senate will remain blue although I think it is possible. I hope you are right. The only way that can happen is the Dems have to crush the Republicans with their vaulted ground game. If they can do 66 percent of what they did in 2012 they can over-ride the polls. In any event these elections might not be decided until late January as the rules in Georgia and Louisiana and possible others call for run offs if no candidate gets 50 percent plus one. Could be a long time before we know which party will control the senate, the 2014 Democrats or the 1954 Republicans! Keep up the good work, Mr. G.

    1. Thank you very much for your comment, your support of the Democratic Party and your enthusiasm for The Controversy. I, of course, am aware of the possibility of run-off elections in certain states, but I am not so sure that the polls are as tight as may be indicated. Therefore, I believe the Democrats will squeak by and win those races that are thought to be "too close to call" and thus the Democrats will win more than 50 percent of the votes. Call it a gut feeling or just a hunch, but that's what I'm thinking. Anyway, I'm confident that the Democrats will shock the Republicans tonight and we will keep the United States Senate "blue." At least I hope so. Thanks again for your point of view. GBD

  2. I don't know how the vote will go today, I just can hope the Senate goes to the GOP. How much kool-aid you and your readers must drink to believe that this President has been good for America. Our enemies don't fear us and our friends don't respect us or trust us, the worst foreign policy since Vietnam. The ACA is lowering our health care and costing more. All the left can do is make up lies, if you don't agree with us your a racist or you have a war on women. The only ones I see making things about race is the Democrats and for your fake war on women, how can you accept comments like Tom Harkin's line about a Joni Ernst a Lieutenant Colonel in the National Guard who spent 14 months deployed in the middle east, but she is pretty and nice like Taylor Swift or Mr. Rogers that's the war on women not the lies you and the left spread!!!!

  3. As for your partisan comments, the GOP only gives him the grief that he does deserve. As for your statement on education the task of educating the youth of America is the obligation of the States, Counties and local governments NOT BIG BROTHER FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. The Feds should stay out of education. The ACA must be modified it is killing the health care system in this country and should never have been passed and now must be modified or replaced with a fair and quality health care law that doesn't break the bank. As for what you call “proper path for peace” has cause the creation of ISIS the problems with Syria and of course Benghazi, the damaged relationship with Israel, I don’t even want to talk about Russia and Putin! With this President and administration peace is just another word for surrender and capitulation! Next we could talk about economic prosperity, this administration has done everything possible to stop economic growth starting with the ACA, delaying Keystone pipeline, killing coal, over regulations and of course high taxes. What we need is not a hike in the minimum wage but better jobs and a lot of them. Obama has done nothing but hurt good job growth. I think you were right with most of your ending remarks “keep America headed in the right direction” but I really mean the “RIGHT” the GOP direction. The President and all his Kool-Aid drinking followers need to remember what he said 6 years ago “elections have consequences”!

    1. How sad it is that you don't know the facts, but that you just want to criticize a President whose accomplishments have made a great and wonderful difference in making the United States of America a better country than it was when his predecessor was The White House resident. GBD
