Friday, September 16, 2016


     After reading the commentary below, please express your own thoughts.  Instructions on how to do so are written at the bottom of this column.  Thank you.

     I have been describing Donald Trump as...deplorable...for more than a year.  His despicable insults towards Mexicans... towards Muslims...towards certain women...towards a federal judge...towards a disabled reporter...towards a United States Senator who was a Vietnam Prisoner Of War...towards a Gold Star mother and father...and towards so many other people... are reasons call the Republican nominee... deplorable...and, therefore...the word fits a "T."

     Now I'm going to ask a question to each reader of this column.  Do you agree with every one...or at least most - and I did say every one...or most - of the foulmouthed remarks...that Trump has uttered off his toxic tongue...over the last 15 months?  If your answer is "yes"...then it truly does pain me to write the following...but then you too...are deplorable...and Hillary Clinton...would not be wrong.  That's right.  You read my words accurately.  Anybody who accepts...and complies with...all...or the majority of Trump's offensive comments...shall also be considered...the same as the billionaire businessman...and he is indeed...deplorable.

     Perhaps Mrs. Clinton should have been more specific - as specific as I have been with this commentary - when the former Secretary of State...on Friday, September 9th, 2016...declared that "you can put half of Trump supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables."  As an unofficial member of "Team Hillary"...I hereby defend Secretary Clinton's point of view...just not the way she said it.  But on Saturday, September 10th, the Democratic nominee expressed "regret saying half."  Mrs. Clinton admitted "that was wrong" and that being "grossly generalistic" is "never a good idea."  Personally...I want to believe that not all - or even half - of Trump's supporters...actually agree with all or most of Trump's wretched and low-life attitudes.  Certainly not all - or even half - of Republicans... are deplorable.  And I trust...that Secretary Clinton...feels the way I do.

     But even before announcing his candidacy...Donald Trump's actions were deplorable when, for many years, he insisted that President Obama was not born in the United States.  Trump was instrumental in perpetuating the so-called "birther movement" a level whereby - according to an NBC News/ Survey Monkey poll from the summer of 2016 - 72 percent of registered Republicans doubt the citizenship of our 44th President.  It wasn't until Friday, September 16th, 2016 that Trump publicly accepted that "President Barack Obama was born in the United States.  Period."  I, however, agree with Hillary Clinton...who reacted to Trump's obviously political acknowledgment...coming 53 days before the Presidential election...that "Trump owes (President Obama) and the American people an apology."  Secretary Clinton says, "(Trump) has led the birther movement to delegitimize our first black President.  His campaign was founded on this outrageous lie."    

     Campaign 2016 is the 11th time that I will cast my ballot to elect a candidate to the highest office in our land.  But in all my years, I have never voted for a Republican in a Presidential election.  I am a Democrat through and through.  More precisely, I am a progressive ultra-liberal Democrat.  That being said...even though I have never wanted any particular Republican to win The White House...I have never in 40 years...since 1976...felt that the GOP nominee was somebody who would destroy our country.  Oh there have been Republican Presidents who I believe have caused harm to the United States...either economically...militarily...or in some other way...but not before he actually was elected and subsequently inaugurated.  However...I genuinely think...that Donald without question...dangerous and unfit to occupy The Oval Office...thus, he would ruin our nation and possibly our entire planet.  As such... I am convinced that Trump will never have the chance to do damage to America and the I am completely confident that Hillary Clinton will take the oath of office - on January 20th, 2017 - as the 45th President of the United States.

     As with other elections...voters - whether Democrats or Republicans - don't always see eye to eye with everything represented by the two major party nominees who are running for President.  But when there is a candidate...who is as disgraceful...and as verbally Donald Trump has been... then calling right on target.  And if any other Americans feel that Trump's repugnant and venomous verbiage is unobjectionable and appropriate...then characterizing those voters as..."deplorable" quite frankly... justified.

     And that's The Controversy for today.

     I'm Gary B. Duglin.

     "We'll talk again."

The Controversy is a publication of GBD Productions.  Founder and Editor-In-Chief of The Controversy is Gary B. Duglin.

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Photo credits: (Republican Nominee for President, Donald Trump), (Democratic Nominee for President and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton #1), (President Barack Obama) and (Democratic Nominee for President and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton #2)

Copyright 2016 Gary B. Duglin and  All Rights Reserved.


  1. So I'm deplorable. She has aapologize for her actions of calling Donald Trump supporters deplorable. If she knows that it is wrong so should you. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. We have our own voice that's what makes America great. Whether we vote for Trump or for Hilary. I'm so sick and tired of hearing the bashing of other people so many other things are going on in this great nation rather than putting crooks in office. I encourage people that read this not to vote let's take over this country we don't need one person running it we as Americans run this country. Sorry Gary

    1. You obviously did not read my column carefully. I did not say that YOU are "deplorable"...unless...and I say agree that every one (or most) of the despicable insults that Donald Trump has uttered over the last 15 months was appropriate. Do you really agree that the reprehensible remarks that Trump made towards Mexicans...towards Muslims...towards certain women...towards a federal judge...towards a disabled reporter...towards a United States Senator who was a Vietnam Prisoner Of War...towards a Gold Star mother and father and towards so many others...fits in to your "entitled to their own opinion" category? What a shame! GBD

  2. Labeling any group or a significant percentage of them with derogatory terms, like "deplorable", is hateful and divisive. The words, actions, and leadership of our presidential candidates should build bridges that unite us, despite our differences, in ways that make us stronger as a whole. Many of the utterances from Donald Trump are indeed deplorable, and he should be held accountable for them. Attacking him for language that promotes bigotry and hatred is appropriate. Most of the time, Hiliary Clinton uses language that is inclusive and thoughtful of others. In this case, when our former Secretary of State lumped half of the Trump supporters in the "basket of deplorables", she was stooping to the level of the foul-mouthed billionaire she is running against. It was wrong for her to do this. Her supporters should let her know that we expect better from her, so that she can rise to the level of expectation and run a campaign that right-thinking citizens of our great nation can feel good about.

    1. Very true. And I stated most of what you did...including that Hillary Clinton was wrong in the way she made her "deplorables" statement. As I said, I agree with her point of view, but not the way she said it. I, of course, would prefer a civil debate between the two nominees, but I don't believe that is going to happen. I don't want Secretary Clinton "stooping to the level" of Donald Trump, but the "foul-mouthed billionaire" has indeed been "deplorable" throughout all of Campaign 2016...and I do think it is appropriate for me...or for anybody let the country know that since Trump has made such repugnant remarks over the last 15 months then he would be capable of doing the same if he was President of the United States. Fortunately, I am confident that he will never get that chance as I am convinced that Mrs. Clinton will win on November 8th. GBD

  3. GBD I think your comments and Clinton’s comments were deplorable. Has Trump crossed lines in some of what he has said? Yes, without a doubt but has his positions on the issues been correct also yes without a doubt! We have an illegal immigration problem, we have over 12,000,000 people illegally in our country, and they broke our laws coming here. In a perfect world we should send them all back but it is not a perfect world and many of our laws prevent us doing it. Not to mention the left wing judges that don’t care about the law. We need to secure our boarder, with a wall and if needed many more armed border guards maybe even put judges at the boarder to hold deportation hearings on the spot and send them right back over the border. What he said about Senator McCain was wrong. Questioning the Federal judge who has ties to a group funding anti-Trump activities, how he did it may be wrong but questioning it may not have been. Call Trump what you will, that’s politics that all being said Clinton and now you have called 30,000,000 AMERICANS deplorable and unredeemable. Clinton’s comments were deplorable; it was even lower then what I would expect from a democrat, your party has never been willing to accept anyone who doesn’t follow their left wing agenda. You and your candidate play the hate card, the race card, the gender card and more. You and your party push hate, you claim if you want to secure our borders you hate Hispanics, you want to stop illegal immigrants, then you must hate all immigrants. If you believe in traditional marriage, you must hate gays. If you want to fight ISIS and call it radical Islamic terrorism, you must hate all Muslims. Bill Clinton claimed last week that the saying “Make America Great Again” is code speak against African Americans, that’s deplorable, he, his wife and now you owe the American people an apology. I guess because I support and will be voting for Trump I’m in your mind deplorable. The fact is what is in your mind doesn’t matter; you blindly follow a woman that couldn’t tell the truth if her life depended on it, you follow a candidate and a party that cares more about keeping power then it does about the American people, following the laws and rules and the US Constitution means nothing to them, power is all they care about. Is Trump the perfect candidate? Far from it, but I believe he will do right by the Supreme Court, one of the most important issues in this election is to keep the Court out of the hands of left wing anti-Constitution judges, the type that Clinton would appoint. Trump, I think will do the best for our economy, letting me keep more of my money. Trump will push to protect our borders and stop the flood of refugees into our country. He will do whatever is needed to protect us from ISIS and keep America safe. If that makes me deplorable, coming from Clinton and people like you, I will wear that as a badge of honor, it is called being a patriotic true AMERICAN!

    1. It amazes me when people like you make comments at The Controversy when you really don't thoroughly read or carefully read what I have written. Obviously, you have not read my column with any care, otherwise, you would not have made the statements above. As I wrote in my commentary..."Do you agree with every one...or at least most - and I did say every one...or most - of the foulmouthed remarks...that Trump has uttered off his toxic tongue...over the last 15 months? If your answer is "yes"...then it truly does pain me to write the following...but then you too...are deplorable...and Hillary Clinton...would not be wrong. That's right. You read my words accurately. Anybody who accepts...and complies with...all...or the majority of Trump's offensive comments...shall also be considered...the same as the billionaire businessman...and he is indeed...deplorable." You have already replied saying that some of the trash that Trump has spewed from his foul-mouth has been wrong. So, therefore, I do not include you in the "deplorables." So shame on you for not reading my words carefully and for, therefore, calling me "deplorable." Now you owe ME an apology. As for your other comments...I won't even respond to most of them because you are so off base that it's ludicrous to even waste my time. I will, however, reply to one item. The U.S. Supreme Court needs to be more liberal so that our country's laws are pushed more liberal. And a President Hillary Clinton will keep conservative Justices from changing Roe vs. Wade, from changing equal rights for women, for gays, and for others that would be affected by a conservative Supreme Court. You really don't have a clue about the reality of immigration and your thoughts on keeping America safe make no sense whatsoever. Hillary Clinton, all Democrats - yes I said all - and I...are patriotic true Americans. I'm always astonished when Republicans like you claim that we are not. Democrats don't say such harsh words about Republicans. Why do you? GBD

    2. Maybe you didn’t understand what I was saying, over the last 15 months Trump has said hundreds if not thousands of things and I would have to say I do agree with most of them, not all but most, 80% maybe more. What do you consider most? I don’t agree with his comments about Senator McCain or Megan Kelly. I believe the Federal Judge could not be fair and should have recused himself, do to his affiliation with certain Hispanic groups that where funding never Trump groups, as a judge he should have never been associated with these groups. I didn’t agree with his characterization of the disabled reporter. He has been spot on with Ted Cruz being a liar, Obama has been the worst, and Clinton is crooked. We should not allow any Muslin refugees into this country until we can be 100% sure on vetting them. I could go on and on but that would be a waste of time. He will never be politically correct which I feel is a good thing “PC” is bad for our country and the world. As for your comments, I don’t want more liberal laws, I want constitutional laws, I want a Supreme Court that honors and follows the Constitution, as for Roe v Wade, I believe safe abortions should be available but I also agree with Alan Dershowitz (hard to say I agree with him) when he said he found “no constitutional justification for the Courts decision on Row v. Wade” The Supreme Court is not there to determine if a law is good or bad only if it is Constitutional or not, good or bad is determined by the legislators and the people, not the courts. As for who has a clue about immigration, it is certainly not you or the democrats, I am all for LEGAL immigration. For those illegal aliens that are already here and we could never get them all out, if they have not committed a felony they should be allowed to stay, pay a fine, all back taxes but NEVER be eligible for US citizenship. I would grant one exception to that rule, those who served or are serving in the US Military can apply for citizenship. I never said you or any other democrat was not patriotic. As for Democrats not saying harsh words about Republicans, you make me laugh, what is “DEPLORABLE” or unredeemable, how about racist, homophobe, anti-Semite all harsh words and lies by your Queen and by many including you about Republicans.

    3. I understood quite clearly what you were stating. As for me...Donald Trump is a deplorable human being. Correct that...anybody who utters the offensive, despicable and insulting remarks that Trump has made over the last 15 my my the view of millions of deplorable. You can laugh all you want, but I have never called any other Republican...deplorable. Now for some specifics...Trump should never have said what he did about the federal judge and the judge did not need to recuse himself. I in no way support Ted Cruz, but for Trump to call him "Lyin' Ted" is not at all "Presidential." But worse than that, to try to link Cruz' father with the assassination of President John F. Kennedy...was another of Trump's deplorable actions. The refugees are Syrian...and just because they are Syrian does not make them affiliated with ISIS or any terrorist organization. Profiling Muslims - or racial or religious profiling of any kind - is just plain wrong and un-American. Our Supreme Court needs more liberal justices because liberal justices are going to be more reasonable with the laws of our country than conservative justices - except, of course, for those who are balanced in their thinking. We saw the balance with Chief Justice John Roberts by agreeing on the Affordable Care Act and with marriage equality. One of the smartest thing Hillary Clinton can do when she becomes President is to appoint President Obama as Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court. Roe vs. Wade must not be touched in any way. It is the law of the land and it must stay. All 11 or 12-million so-called "illegal immigrants" should be allowed to become American citizens with certain provisions as discussed by both President Obama and Hillary Clinton (who I believe and am confident of) will be elected the 45th President of the United States on November 8th. Your "queen" remark is ludicrous. And as far as Secretary Clinton making any racist, homophobic or antiSemitic have that all wrong. Trump is the bigot...not Mrs. Clinton. GBD

  4. How can you say you never called any other Republican deplorable? You called everyone who agrees with Trump deplorable! As for the Judge he should have recused himself but lefties don’t care what’s right. I’m not a fan of Ted Cruz and he is a liar, so lyin Ted fits. As for the JFK thing that’s politics, no different than CBS trying to push forged letters about President GW Bush, it wrong but that’s politics in America. As for the Syrians nobody has said they are all with ISIS. If you were offered a bowl of 50 grapes to eat and they said only one is filled with poison and would kill you, would you eat any, not me, if you have 1 out of every 100 or even 1 out of 1000, sorry keep them all out, that’s not Un-American its being smart. Next you should check you facts before writing , Chief Justice Roberts did not agree on marriage equality, he if fact stated the “The majority’s decision is an act of will, not legal judgment. The right it announces has no basis in the Constitution or this Court’s precedent” He also stated “The Constitution itself says nothing about marriage, and the Framers thereby entrusted the States with the whole subject of the domestic relations of husband and wife.” As for the ACA he has stated that being a tax gave it Constitutionality if not for the tax he would have been on the other side. Check your facts next time. As for Obama being Chief Justice I don’t see Roberts going anywhere and hopefully it will be Trump not Clinton if he did. As for the “illegal aliens” not so called “so-called illegal immigrants" they should never be given US citizenship, you should never reward criminal acts, they broke the law and if we let them stay that should be one of the penalties. I never said Clinton made any racist, homophobic or anti-Semitic comments. You said “Democrats don't say such harsh words about Republicans” which is a joke , I said Democrats and Clinton have called Republicans DEPLORABLE” or unredeemable, racist, homophobe, anti-Semite aren’t those all harsh words. As for Trump being a “Bigot” is a charge drummed up by the left and the media, I have not seen any hatred for anyone based on their race or religion or national origin by Trump. If anyone is a bigot it is Clinton and reading your column you, because the definition of the word “Bigot” is following: “a person who is intolerant toward those holding different opinions” that fits most left wingers.

    1. I stand corrected. It was Justice Kennedy - nominated to the U.S. Supreme Court by Republican President Ronald Reagan - who supported marriage equality. And although Kennedy has been a "swing vote" - he has, therefore, voted with his conservative colleagues in the past. But Chief Justice Roberts did in fact vote in favor of the Affordable Care Act. As for me saying that no other Republicans are meaning was those who do NOT agree entirely with Donald Trump. As for Judge Gonzalo Curiel, I've already replied to you that there was no reason for him to recuse himself. For you to say that Trump's despicable remarks - saying that Ted Cruz's father was connected to JFK's assassination - is "politics"...well, you are way off base. And CBS never "forged letters about President George W. Bush." You'll never get me to believe those lies. As for your ridiculous analogy comparing Syrians and ISIS to eating poison grapes...your metaphor is just plain ludicrous. As for Hillary Clinton - who I am confident will be President Hillary Clinton come January 20th, 2017 - she could - according to the Constitution - ask Chief Justice Roberts to step down, she could nominate President Obama as Chief Justice, he would be confirmed by the Senate, and then Mrs. Clinton could nominate Justice Roberts to fill the vacant Associate Justice seat, which he would then be confirmed. I suppose that would not be likely so, therefore, Mrs. Clinton definitely should nominate President Obama to fill the vacant Associate Justice seat, still left vacant by Justice Scalia. That is, unless Mitch McConnell gets off his butt and agrees to allow hearings for Merrick Garland. And then President Obama would be nominated for the next vacancy, which is likely to come up in the next four years. I will never agree with you about the so-called "illegal immigrants" and yes, they should have a path to citizenship. You are still wrong with your comment about "Democrats and Clinton" calling Republicans "deplorable" or "unredeemable, racist, homophobes and anti-Semitic. And yes, Donald Trump IS A BIGOT. No ifs, ands or butts about it. And I certainly am not a bigot. You are a disgrace by saying that "most left-wingers" are bigots. I think we're done here for the above commentary, so don't write any more of your lies and drivel because they won't be published. GBD

  5. I know you said don’t write but I felt I must correct you even if you are not fair enough to print it. First correction, nowhere in the Constitution does it give the President the power or right to ask the Chief Justice to step down. Second correction I never said CBS forged any documents, I said they pushed forged letters, who forged them we still do not know, but it has been proven they were forged. Third correction, my metaphor is not ludicrous since the Director of the CIA has stated we know that ISIS operatives have infiltrated the Syrian refugees into Europe it is safe to think that they will or have done the same to refugees coming to America. One ISIS terrorist out of 100 or a 1000 is just like that one grape that is poisoned. You don’t have to agree with me on the "illegal immigrants" or illegal alien but by Federal Statute that is what they are. For what reason should someone who broke our laws and violated the sanctity of our boarders be granted the greatest privilege that our nation could grant a foreigner? As for my “bigot” comment I stand by the dictionary definition of the word “Bigot” it is the following: “a person who is intolerant toward those holding different opinions”. Clinton and many, many democrats have shown their intolerance to the who hold a different opinion on many issues, Gay marriage, immigration, abortion, religious freedoms, the second amendment and may other issues, being intolerant toward those people is the definition of being a “Bigot”. I am not a disgrace by pointing out facts, that most left wingers are intolerant of people with these opinions so therefore they fit the definition of being a bigot. Sorry if you don’t like what you are, the way to fix it is to stop being intolerant to those with a different opinion!

    1. The President can always ask a Chief Justice to step down. I did say "ask." As for your comment about "forged" letters about George W. Bush, Wikipedia says that "several typewriter and typography experts concluded the documents were blatant forgeries. (However), no forensic document examiners or typography experts have authenticated the documents, and this may not be technically possible without the original documents." Therefore, there is no definitive proof that those documents - regarding Mr. Bush's service in the Air National Guard - were forged. I'm not even going to comment again on your "grape" metaphor. It's similar to the "Skittles" analogy that has been received by most as "laughable." And as far as your remarks about have described Donald Trump and his supporters. I have nothing more to say to you on this column. GBD

  6. Political discourse today is a sad state of affairs, as is evident by these comment exchanges, and many other comment exchanges like them. Everyone simply talks past one another, argues and spins their points to their advantage, but doesn't actually listen to the other person. There is also virtually zero respect for facts in our current political discourse. This has created an environment where people who support certain political candidates actually say "they don't care" when confronted about blatant falsehoods that their chosen candidate is purporting. What's more, when readily and easily verifiable facts are claimed by some to be "false" "lies", or "part of a conspiracy", then the conversation has by all accounts ended. For if we cannot agree on what reality is, then we have no common starting point from which to discuss issues. By taking these hardened, conspiratorial positions, we are living in a bubble of our own false creation, where nothing matters essence, we're fucked as a society.

    1. All I can say is that we've got 6 more weeks of a campaign that has already seemed to be endless. Thank's almost all over. As for being "f--ked as a society"...when Hillary Clinton is our President...and continues to move America forward...I can only hope that those who have been so harsh against Mrs. Clinton...will realize...they were wrong. Unfortunately, I think our nation is so polarized, at this point, that it may take generations before certain types of people in our country become understanding to each other. Americans need to go back to a time when compromise was an accomplishment...not hate. GBD

  7. Much of the problem is they the two parties have totally opposite views on the direction the country should go. It is not even close. And we have had for the last 7plus years an administration and early on a majority in the House and Senate that had no interest in compromise on anything, the ACA, the Iran deal, the war, they couldn’t even agree on what to call ISIS. The Democrats wanted their way or the highway. You say Clinton will continue to move America forward; the problem is 65% of the country feels that over the last 7 years we have been moving in the wrong direction basically backwards. Most people say they want lower taxes and less government, Clinton promises higher taxes and more government. Clinton has never been one to compromise on anything, when confronted with a conservative option she dismisses it and if questioned it’s all a rightwing conspiracy. Obama’s position on compromise is to tell the Republicans they can sit in back seat. Americas choice right now is for two people that are both not liked and not trusted. It is a sad day for America. America and the world needs a Ronald Reagan instead we have to choose between two Bonzo the chimps.

    1. I will agree that our nation is polarized and that the left and right are rarely - if ever - going to be on the same page. But I emphatically disagree with you that President Obama and the Democratic-controlled Senate and House of Representatives in the early years of Mr. Obama's tenure "had no interest in compromise." You really don't want to get me started on how Republicans - such as Senator Mitch McConnell - had no intention of giving President Obama any success. McConnell himself stated that his main goal was to make sure Barack Obama would only be a one-term President. Well, our country was smarter and we elected Mr. Obama our President twice. Democrats - for nearly 8 years now - have wanted to "compromise" with Republicans. It is the GOP that won't budge. Your comment that Hillary Clinton "promises higher taxes" is so ludicrous that you don't deserve an answer. But I will give it. Mrs. Clinton will lower taxes on the middle-class and raise taxes on the wealthy. Now - since I have no way of knowing who you are or how much money you make - maybe you're someone who earns hundreds of thousands of dollars (or more) every year. Then'll pay more in taxes. And that's the way America was designed. The rich pay more (or should pay more) than those who are less affluent...those who are less fortunate. We have people in the United States who can't live on 30, 40, 50 thousand dollars a year...who can't even live on 100,000 dollars a year...yet they are paying more in taxes than someone earning 200, 250, 300 thousand dollars or more. Eighty-three percent of Americans earn less than 125-thousand dollars a year...and most can't make ends meet. And those making millions...well...with tax loopholes and ways for deductions for the super rich - not to mention hiding money in overseas bank accounts - some of the rich don't pay any taxes at all. But not all of the rich. There are decent, wealthy Americans who do pay their share of taxes...who are philanthropic...and who don't hide their money. It's so obvious that you are one who would never in a million years give credit to President Obama or Hillary Clinton even if one or both solved every world problem. The fact of the matter is...President Obama currently has a 53 percent approval rating. That said, I'm always amazed when Republicans talk about how great Ronald Reagan was as President when he economically did nothing for anybody but the rich. As someone who happens to be a lover of chimpanzees, I would never insult chimps by comparing any of them to the snake that is Donald Trump. GBD

  8. I think it is funny for you to bring up McConnell’s statement; it is always the position of the minority party to do whatever they can to become the majority party and to take back the White House. Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and President Obama made it very clear early on that the only compromise was to accept what they wanted and nothing less. Pelosi literally locked the Republicans out of the room when she and the Democrats were working on the ACA. President Obama said the Republicans if they wanted to come for the ride they would have to sit in the back seat on the economy. You call that wanting to compromise. To let you know I don’t make mega money 200-300 thousands of dollars or more. I’m in the $150,000 range with two kids in college and I pay over 45% of my income between Federal income tax, payroll tax and state income tax add in property tax, sales taxes and all the miscellaneous taxes, I pay close to 60% in taxes and Clinton and the Democrats say that’s not enough! Just a little fact for you about who pays Federal income taxes the top 20% of income earners which is $134,300 and above make 51.3% of total US income but pay 83.9% of Federal Income Tax and you want to take more. The bottom 20% of earners pays less than 0%. National average of those workers making less than $47,300 is -1.0% federal income tax paid, yes that is minus 1%. That is for people with jobs it does not include the unemployed, retired or anyone not working. These numbers come from The Wall Street Journal article titled “Top 20% of Earners Pay 84% of Income Tax”. As for your statement about President Reagan you need to check your facts, middle class household income in December 1980 was $28,447.21 when Reagan took office, after his eight years that number went up to $35,097.83 a 23.4% increase for the middle class. He was great for the middle class! As for your nasty name calling comments about Trump, I will not lower myself to your level.

    1. To compare Mitch McConnell's remarks to anything similar to Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid or President Obama is totally inaccurate. Your comments about Pelosi and The President regarding the Affordable Care Act or the economy is just plain wrong and Republicans way to blame Democrats. If your income is in the "$150,000 range" and paying 45% in taxes then with Hillary Clinton's plan, you will not be paying anywhere near that amount if she is elected President. As I mentioned in an earlier response above, 83% of Americans earn less than $125,000 a year and, according to Mrs. Clinton, all of those Americans will be paying less in taxes. In fact, Secretary Clinton has stated that anyone earning $200,000 or less will, in fact, be paying less in taxes under her plan. So your vote should go to Mrs. Clinton. As for President Reagan...his "trickle-down economics" did not help the middle-class. Earnings may have gone up, but taxes increased so much for the middle-class that Mr. Reagan only helped the rich. As for my "nasty name calling comments about (Donald) Trump"...if you don't think that he is a "snake" and should never be compared to the wonderful chimpanzees...well...I guess you have been living in a cave over the last 15 months. Wait 'til you read an upcoming column this week. If that doesn't change your mind about Trump...then nothing will. GBD

  9. My remarks about Pelosi and Reid were 100% fact; Pelosi has admitted that she locked them out. As for Clintons tax plan $150,000 is at a 28% rate add in 7.65% payroll tax and 9.5% state I end up about the same 45%. Trumps plan for $150,000 is 25% add in 7.65% payroll tax and 9.5% state and I’m at 42%.The question is do you believe what you read or do you make it up? In 1981 when Reagan took office the middle class tax rate on someone married filing a joint return making between $20,000 to $24,600 landed in a 28% tax bracket, these rate were set before Raegan took office. In 1988 his last year that same person making up to $28,000 was only in a 15% bracket. 15% is less than 28%. Please check your facts. As for your "nasty name calling comments about (Donald) Trump" no I don’t think he is a snake, but even if he is one, I would rather have a snake then someone who did nothing to protect our people in Benghazi , put national security at risk with her email server, helped bring us ISIS and made herself and her husband rich selling access to the State Dept and herself as Secretary of State. More so then lied about it to the world!

    1. Sorry, but you're wrong about Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid. You can believe what you want, but it's not true. You're way off on Hillary Clinton's tax plan so I'll say to you what you said to me. Please check your facts. I think you make up numbers, but you can believe what you want. Your taxes will go down with Mrs. Clinton as President. I think you need a good accountant. As for President Reagan, again, you can believe what you want, but not true. You're just like all other Republicans who can't stick with the issues facing America today so you focus on Benghazi and e-mail servers. Secretary Clinton told the truth regarding Benghazi and regarding her e-mails and the servers. They should have nothing to do with this election and most Americans agree with me. You really don't know the truth about ISIS because if you did, you'd know that Mrs. Clinton had nothing to do with "bring(ing) us ISIS." If you check out the facts, you'll know I'm right. And Secretary Clinton NEVER sold access to the State Department. More lies by Republicans. There is no evidence or proof whatsoever that Mrs. Clinton ever lied about anything. I think we're done here. Why don't you read my Thursday, September 29th column and maybe you'll then switch your allegiance from Donald Hillary Clinton. GBD
