Tuesday, September 27, 2016


     After reading the commentary below, please express your own thoughts.  Instructions on how to do so are written at the bottom of this column.  Thank you.

     For the better part of the last 15 months, I - along with others in the media - have been chastising Donald Trump for his temperament.  As Campaign 2016 has progressed...the word "temperament" has been tightly linked to the Republican nominee because of Trump's despicable demeanor and his highly offensive insults.  So as I watched on television...I had to laugh - along with many in the audience at Hofstra University - when at the Monday, September 26th, 2016 Presidential Debate...Hillary Clinton...NBC Nightly News anchor Lester Holt - who was moderator of the debate - and all of America...were told by Trump..."I think my strongest asset...maybe by far...is my temperament.  I have a winning temperament."  Really?  Are you kidding me, Donald?

     Trump cannot seriously believe that he has - as he stated at the debate - "a much better temperament" than Mrs. Clinton.  After all...for more than a year, Trump's behavior has been - and yes, I'm using that word again - deplorable.  He has verbally abused everyone from Mexicans to Muslims...from a disabled reporter to certain women...from a Gold Star mother and father to an American hero, who is now a U.S. Senator, but who spent five years as a Vietnam prisoner of war...from a federal judge to so many others.  Yet, at the debate, Trump criticized Hillary Clinton for her negative ads, which show the billionaire businessman as a narcissistic, misogynistic, xenophobic, bigoted bully.  "It's not nice.  I don't deserve that."  Once again...really?  Are you kidding me, Donald?
        The hour-and-a-half debate belonged to the Democratic nominee.  Mrs. Clinton owned it.  She was calm, classy and Presidential.  Trump, on the other hand, interrupted the former Secretary of State over and over again.  And every time Trump addressed his opponent as "Hillary"...or as, "Secretary Clinton"...it was so obvious that he wanted to call her something worse.

     But Secretary Clinton refused to stoop to Trump's level and to get down in the dirt with the real estate mogul.  Trump continued, however, to sling mud and tell lies.  He just made up things as he went along...and so much of what Trump was saying...was blatantly false.  That being said...I can only wonder what the two candidates were truly thinking when they shook hands and greeted each other on stage at the start of the debate...and as it concluded.  Their grins could not have been sincere.

     While Hillary Clinton remained respectful...Donald Trump rode the railroad of rudeness.  Trump slandered and dishonored black and Latino Americans by saying, "African-Americans and Hispanics (in our inner cities) are living in hell."  Shame on you, Donald.  As Secretary Clinton noted..."It's really unfortunate that (Donald) paints such a dire negative picture of black communities in our country.  The vibrancy of the black church, the black businesses that employ so many people, the opportunities that so many families are working to provide for their kids.  There's a lot that we should be proud of and we should be supporting and lifting up."

     The last half to two-thirds of the debate, Trump couldn't stand still.  He was fidgety and restless on the Hempstead, New York stage...and he rambled incoherently...clearly indicating that he not only was totally unprepared for this campaign contest...but unfit and unprepared to sit behind the desk in The Oval Office.  At one point, Trump made a wisecrack about Mrs. Clinton staying home recently - at her Chappaqua, New York residence - while he was campaigning in battleground states.  The Trump remark resulted in the following smooth statement by Secretary Clinton.  "I think Donald just criticized me for preparing for this debate.  And yes, I did.  And you know what else I prepared for?  I prepared to be President.  And I think that's a good thing."  Mrs. Clinton's response drew applause by the audience, even though they were warned to refrain from any form of ovation.

     Donald Trump's overall performance was disastrous.  He was a babbling, bumbling basket case.  Trump repeated the same ridiculous rhetoric that he has been spewing throughout this entire campaign season.  Secretary Clinton, however...never lost a beat.  And she never lost her cool.  Mrs. Clinton could not be sidetracked or thrown off guard by Trump...not even for a moment.

     When the issue of crime in our cities was discussed...Trump brought up the old New York City policy of "Stop and Frisk" - which Trump unquestionably supports - but which was a program that a judge ruled unconstitutional... because it racially profiled African-Americans and Latinos.  But when debate moderator Lester Holt challenged Trump on the illegality of "Stop and Frisk"...Trump - in a harsh tone - shouted at the veteran journalist.  "No, you're wrong."  The fact of the matter is...Lester Holt was correct.  Donald Trump was wrong.

     As the evening event marched on...Trump grimaced.  He "made faces" while on camera - which Trump is known to do - and he shook his head to practically every one of Secretary Clinton's answers to Lester Holt's questions...and to comments she made about Trump's answers.

     Despite Donald Trump's accusations that Hillary Clinton lacked "stamina"...she could have gone another hour without hesitation...and would have glowed, as she did all throughout this debate.  Trump, though, was falling apart after about the first 30 minutes.

     Democrats should be thrilled and very proud of Mrs. Clinton's debate presentation.  There is no doubt in my mind that Secretary Clinton was the big winner at this forum.  And with what was expected to be a national television audience of more than 100-million people...(we'll see if that number holds true once the Nielsen Ratings are tabulated and released)...I am confident that support for Hillary Clinton will increase dramatically following this first debate.  Undecided voters - and those who were thinking of casting their ballots for either the Libertarian or Green Party candidates - are now...I believe...giving thought to making sure Mrs. Clinton is elected the 45th President of the United States on November 8th.  In fact...I wouldn't be surprised...if more Republicans have switched their allegiance from Donald Trump to Hillary Clinton.

     Trump Campaign Manager, Kellyanne Conway - on Sunday, September 25th - called Donald Trump..."the Babe Ruth of debaters."  Well..."Babe Trump" struck out Monday night...every time he came to the plate.  As for Hillary Clinton...she was Lou Gehrig, Joe DiMaggio and Mickey Mantle wrapped up in one...knocking grand slam home runs out of the park...all night long.

     And that's The Controversy for today.

     I'm Gary B. Duglin.

     "We'll talk again."
The Controversy is a publication of GBD Productions.  Founder and Editor-In-Chief of The Controversy is Gary B. Duglin.

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Photo credits: fortune.com (Republican Nominee for President, Donald Trump #1), bnd.com and mcclatchy-wires.com (Democratic Nominee for President and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton #1), onlinenewsplanet.com and abcnews.com (Democratic Nominee for President and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton #2), coloradostatesman.com (Republican Nominee for President, Donald Trump #2), usmagazine.com and wennermedia.com (Democratic Nominee for President and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton with Republican Nominee for President, Donald Trump), politicususa.com (NBC Nightly News Anchor and Debate Moderator Lester Holt), fortune.com (Republican Nominee for President, Donald Trump #3) and fortune.com and Getty Images (Democratic Nominee for President and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton #3)

Copyright 2016 Gary B. Duglin and TheControversy.net.  All Rights Reserved.


  1. I will concede that Clinton won the debate, I don’t think it was a homer as you said or that Trump struck out. I disagree with your statement that she was calm, classy and Presidential, to me she seemed calm, nasty and condescending, and she was name calling and mean. Anything but Presidential. As for Stop and Frisk, yes, a Judge ruled it unconstitutional in direct contradiction to the US Supreme Court ruling in 1968 in Terry v. Ohio. So the question is which over-rules, what a Federal District Judge says or what the United States Supreme Court rules. If NYC’s new mayor wasn’t a left wing anti-cop democrat he would have appealed it to the higher court and would have won. So it is very questionable at best to say it is unconstitutional more than likely it is constitutional. I don’t know what you watched but I guess the four bases in her “grand slam home run” were nasty, condescending, name caller and liar. Hopefully America saw what I saw even though Trump may not be the best or their first choice, they saw her as Obama’s third term or worse and saw what she would do to this country selling us out for her and her families profit and power.

    1. Well what do you know...a Republican that agrees that Hillary Clinton won last night's debate! As for the rest of your comments, obviously I do not agree. I will say this...every independent fact-checking organization documented that it was Donald Trump who lied his way through the debate. And there is no way you can say Mrs. Clinton was "nasty, condescending, (a) name caller and (a) liar" from last night. She was none of the above. As for all your other remarks...facts are facts...and those facts are on my side. GBD

  2. I also agree that Ms. Clinton won the debate. Not only was Trump in prepared but when confronted with his past statements he lied that he didn't say them.(Many if not all are on tape). Not only that but after saying he was "Smart" for not paying Taxes he said that he didn't say it just 5 minutes after the debate. Trump is absolutely unfit.

    1. Yes, Donald Trump is "absolutely unfit" to be President of the United States and that is why all Democrats and all Independents (plus Republicans who hopefully will realize that Trump would destroy our country) must all vote for Hillary Clinton to be our 45th President. Thank you for your comment and thank you for reading The Controversy. Please share a link to www.TheControversy.net with all your friends and on social media. Thanks again. GBD
